Featured Politics South Carolina

Role Models – This Republican Say “Stand Up to Obama” like Assad and Putin Did

Lee Bright

In the clip below, listen to South Carolina State Senator Lee Bright describe his role models while calling out his party leaders for not being more like dictators Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin, when it comes to opposing our democratically elected president, Barack Obama.

Lee “Bright” is currently running for the US Senate. His opponent is another Republican wingnut, Lindsay Graham. In the audio, “Bright” said;

Republicans need to learn to start playing offense and quit playing so much defense. You look at, of course I hate to use examples, you look at Assad and you look at Putin, when people stand up to Obama, you see that he backs up and his lines in the sand become erased.

If Boehner had the courage that Putin and Assad had, we’d be living in a different America, but we don’t have the leadership and we’ve got to continue to try to get folks to Washington that are going to take the fight to the liberal agenda.

Featured Republican Party (United States) South Carolina

South Carolina Wants Their Own Currency… Really!

More Republican foolishness. This time, the people in South Carolina are definitely not getting their money’s worth. The fool? State Sen. Lee Bright (R-Roebuck). His idea? Give South Carolina its own currency!

Senator Lee Bright is not so bright at all. He thinks he has his finger on the pulse of this economy and the United States dollar, and as far as he can tell, the dollar will be worthless because, “many widely recognized experts predict the inevitable destruction of the Federal Reserve System’s currency through hyperinflation in the foreseeable future.”

So Mr. Bright has introduced legislature in South Carolina, the purpose of which was to create a group of experts who will provide a study detailing the benefits and the best way of implementing the new currency. According to the legislation;

South Carolina can avoid or at least mitigate many of the economic, social, and political shocks to be expected to arise from hyperinflation, depression, or other economic calamity related to the breakdown of the Federal Reserve System only through the timely adoption of an alternative sound currency that the state’s government and citizens may employ without delay in the event of the destruction of the Federal Reserve System’s currency;

Director of South Carolina’s Democratic Caucus Phil Bailey calls the legislation a waste of time;

“It’s a waste of resources. I mean who’s paying for this study? Will they be paid in actual dollars or gold doubloons?”

Pay them in doubloons please!

More on this story here.

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