Featured Politics South Carolina

Role Models – This Republican Say “Stand Up to Obama” like Assad and Putin Did

Lee Bright

In the clip below, listen to South Carolina State Senator Lee Bright describe his role models while calling out his party leaders for not being more like dictators Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin, when it comes to opposing our democratically elected president, Barack Obama.

Lee “Bright” is currently running for the US Senate. His opponent is another Republican wingnut, Lindsay Graham. In the audio, “Bright” said;

Republicans need to learn to start playing offense and quit playing so much defense. You look at, of course I hate to use examples, you look at Assad and you look at Putin, when people stand up to Obama, you see that he backs up and his lines in the sand become erased.

If Boehner had the courage that Putin and Assad had, we’d be living in a different America, but we don’t have the leadership and we’ve got to continue to try to get folks to Washington that are going to take the fight to the liberal agenda.

chemical weapons Politics

German Intelligence – Assad May Not Have Authorized Chemical Weapons

To add even more confusion to this whole Syrian conflict, German intelligence is now coming forth claiming that they have proof that Basher al-Assad may not have authorized the use of chemical weapons.

Syrian government forces may have carried out a chemical weapons attack close to Damascus without the personal permission of President Bashar al-Assad, Germany’s Bild am Sonntag paper reported on Sunday, citing German intelligence.

Syrian brigade and division commanders had been asking the Presidential Palace to allow them to use chemical weapons for the last four-and-a-half months, according to radio messages intercepted by German spies, but permission had always been denied, the paper said.

This could mean Assad may not have personally approved the attack close to Damascus on August 21 in which more than 1,400 are estimated to have been killed, intelligence officers suggested.

Germany’s foreign intelligence agency (BND) could not be reached for comment.

Bild said the radio traffic was intercepted by a German naval reconnaissance vessel, the Oker, sailing close to the Syrian coast.

Last week the head of the BND, Gerhard Schindler, gave confidential briefings to the German parliament’s defense and foreign affairs committees. Bild said Schindler told the defense committee that Syria’s civil war could continue for years.

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