
New Poll: President’s Approval Ratings Go Up With Latinos

A new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows the president is doing pretty good among Latinos.

The new survey of 250 Latino adults shows that 57 percent now say they approve of the job that Obama is doing, compared with 47 percent of Latino voters who said the same in September, before the immigration announcement.

And, when asked if they approve of how Obama is handling the issue of immigration specifically, 56 percent give the president a thumbs up. That’s compared to 45 percent who said the same in 2010, even before Senate lawmakers constructed an immigration compromise that later languished in the GOP-led House.

A major reason for the shift appears to be a dramatic boost in approval from younger Hispanics. In September of this year, less than half – 46 percent — of Hispanics aged 18-39 approved of the job Obama was doing as president; that share jumped to 63 percent this month.

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