Donald Trump Politics

Former KKK Leader – Donald Trump Speaks “a lot more radically” Than I do – Video

Republicans love Donald Trump. White Supremacists love Donald Trump. The two groups are sometimes mistaken as the other, but one thing is for sure – their love for the man is unmistakable.

Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard and Louisiana politician David Duke says Republican front-runner Donald Trump speaks “a lot more radically” than he does, which, he says, is a “positive and negative.”

In an interview conducted on Dec. 17 that Duke labels “Fox interview” on his YouTube channel (it’s unclear who the interviewer is or if the interview aired), Duke praised Trump for giving people the courage to speak out, but was critical of his support of Israel.

“As far as what I see, according to the candidates that are out there now, Republicans and Democrats, I think he’s head and shoulders right now above the rest,” Duke said, noting he hadn’t officially endorsed Trump. “I don’t agree with everything he says, he speaks a little more, actually he speaks a little more, a lot more radically than I talk. And I think that’s a positive and negative.”

“It’s positive in the fact that there’s less political correctness and people are getting the courage to speak out,” Duke continued. “At the same time, I’m concerned that I don’t agree with all of his policies. I certainly don’t support the idea of America supporting the nation of Israel, which has committed terrorism against the United States of America, with the Lavon affair and the attack on the Liberty and the incredible treachery and the damage that was done by Israel with its spy Jonathan Pollard, who basically caused the death of hundreds of our operatives. I think, and I see this Jewish extremist, this basically Zionist, minority having enormous influence.”


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