
Judge Joe Brown Thrown in Jail

We are told Brown showed up to Juvenile Court Monday and agreed to represent someone pro bono in a child support case.

Juvenile Court Magistrate Harold Horne denied Brown’s request for the case to be dismissed.

Brown then reportedly lost control and became verbally abusive saying in part, “On what authority do you sit by the way? As a former judge here, we have a rule in the 30th judicial district that says every single magistrate, referee has to be unanimously approved by every circuit, chancery, and criminal court judge. I don’t recall that your name’s ever been submitted sir!”

Horne warned Brown to calm down, but he did not.

Brown was given 24 hours in jail for contempt of court, but that increased to five days when he continued to yell as he was being removed from the courtroom saying, “This is a circus sir. That’s three days. You can do all you want! Four days. You don’t have the jurisdiction. Five days.”

Brown’s television show was cancelled last year and he is now running for Shelby County District Attorney against Amy Weirich.

Update The judge was released after a few hours on his own recognizance.


Man Jailed For Having “Sex” With Pit Bull

Excuse me while I gross you out with this one.

A man in Michigan convicted of having sex with his pet pit bull faces a 15-year jail sentence for the crime. 37-year-old Kurtis Peterson, who was convicted of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct in 1996, was caught having sex with the dog on two separate occasions. The same (unfortunate) person caught Peterson each time.

In April 2010, Joyce Yeaw, who was attempting to return keys she’d borrowed from Peterson’s roommate, caught a naked Peterson having sex with his dog on his bed. She called police but, somehow, Peterson was able to convince her or the responding officer that he was “just hugging his dog,” and no arrest was made. Then, two months later Yeaw again walked in on Peterson mid-dog sex, this time on his living room floor. She called the police again and Peterson was arrested.

“He was having sex with the dog, it was disgusting,” Yeaw said of the encounter.

In his courtroom testimony, Peterson admitted to being “sexually aroused from accidental contact with the animal’s rear,” but claims that occurred as he was “just playing with the dog.”

He was sentenced on Monday to one to 15 years in prison. Judge Timothy Hicks went above state sentencing guidelines in his ruling, say Peterson posed a high risk of reoffending. “I fear for what he might do in the community,” the judge said.


Mother Sent To Jail For Lying On Food Stamps Application

We all know that there are some systems that are set up against the poor that benefit the rich.  A good example of this is the following story. A mother of two is sent to jail for lying on her food-stamp application, while bankers largely responsible for our economic downfall and cheating the middle class out of trillions, got bailed out and huge bonuses.

Last week, a federal judge in Mississippi sentenced a mother of two named Anita McLemore to three years in federal prison for lying on a government application in order to obtain food stamps.

Apparently in this country you become ineligible to eat if you have a record of criminal drug offenses. States have the option of opting out of that federal ban, but Mississippi is not one of those states. Since McLemore had four drug convictions in her past, she was ineligible to receive food stamps, so she lied about her past in order to feed her two children.

The total “cost” of her fraud was $4,367. She has paid the money back. But paying the money back was not enough for federal Judge Henry Wingate.

Wingate had the option of sentencing McLemore according to federal guidelines, which would have left her with a term of two months to eight months, followed by probation. Not good enough! Wingate was so outraged by McLemore’s fraud that he decided to serve her up the deluxe vacation, using another federal statute that permitted him to give her up to five years.

He ultimately gave her three years, saying, “The defendant’s criminal record is simply abominable …. She has been the beneficiary of government generosity in state court.”

Any questions?

Politics Wall Street

Comparing Wall Street Protesters To Wall Street Bankers – Cartoon

A side by side comparison between the Wall Street Occupiers and the Wall Street Bankers. One side is using their freedom of speech to protest greed and corruption, the other side use greed and corruption to destroy our economy.

Which side ends up paying the price?

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