
Michelle Bachmann Explains – She Was An “Insurgent” While Working At The IRS

Michele Bachmann today said that she was an “insurgent” in the IRS after graduating from school, and her purpose there was to learn about the “enemy from the inside” so that she could take them down.

Speaking to a group of supporters who actually think she is still relevant, Michele said this:

“Well, it’s been a hundred years now that we’ve had the current United States tax code,” the Minnesota Republican told a crowd of tea party members in Washington, D.C. “Don’t you think a century of oppression is enough?”

“I also want you to know that in my former life, I was an insurgent!” she exclaimed. “I was an insurgent because because I absolutely wanted to defeat the tax code and bring more liberty about in the United States. And so after I went to law school, I got a post-doctorate degree in tax law and after that I got a job with the IRS as a tax lawyer! Because I believe if you understand the enemy from the inside out, that’s the best way to defeat them!”

Bachmann added that lawmakers were “more frightened of real people than anything else.”

“So I think that there are shivers right now going up of a lot of politicians in that building,” she said, pointing to the U.S. Capitol. “Now it’s time for the politicians to listen to all of you!”

“You’re here and you’re clear…. with your message. And your message is, it’s time to abolish the IRS!”

I guess there’s hope for Edward Snowden afterall. He could one day grow up to be an employee of the United States Congress.

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