He’s questioning the legitimacy of the event because, like all gun loving Republicans, everything is an attempt to take away their precious guns.
Meet Republican Tom Ready, who is running against Democratuc Pueblo County Commissioner, Sal Pace. Ready’s views on Sandy hook is well known. He even posted his views on his Facebook page. In a live televised debate last Wednesday, Ready was asked if he stood by his belief that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax.
“There’s still a question about whether it really happened, Sal,” Ready blurted out. He continued.
“Some of the people, if you recall, there was a picture of a man walking in whose daughter had died, he was smiling and joking. When he walked into the room, he turned and all of a sudden had tears in his eyes. Why? I question that.
“There’s nothing wrong with an open discussion.”
And you wonder why the Republican party is the laughing stock of the nation.