Dick Cheney Politics

The Cheneys Turn Against Rand Paul – Fox Follows

Senator Rand Paul is slowly realizing that statement he made years ago could come back to haunt him in the 2016 presidential election.

Today mother Jones highlighted a video showing Rand Paul making some rather truthful statements about former Vice President Dick Cheney. In the video, Rand Paul is heard talking about Dick Cheney and the hypocrisy of Cheney decision making during the first and second Bush presidency.

Rand Paul believes that Cheney only became interested in a war in Iraq after he became the CEO of Halliburton and saw the opportunity to make millions of dollars with a war in Iraq. Halliburton – I’m sure you’ll remember from civics 101 – is a company that specializes in oil and oil products, thus, Iraq.

Did you really think the Cheneys were going to stay quiet and take this one laying down? Well think again. Luz Cheney to the rescue!

“It’s not surprising since Senator Paul often seems to get his foreign policy talking points from Rachel Maddow.”

And Fox News via contributor and former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton chime in with, “Senator Paul should repudiate his remarks and apologize to Vice President Cheney.”

This one’s not over yet folks. Watch this space. 🙂

Dick Cheney Politics

Rand Paul: Dick Cheney Invaded Iraq – Made Millions For His Company – Video

“There’s a great YouTube of Dick Cheney in 1995 defending President Bush #1 and the decision not to invade Baghdad in the first Gulf war, and he goes on for about five minutes. He’s being interviewed, I think, by the American Enterprise Institute, and he says ‘it would be a disaster, it would be vastly expensive, it’d be civil war, we would have no exit strategy.’

“He goes on and on for five minutes. Dick Cheney saying it would be a bad idea. And that’s why the first Bush didn’t go into Baghdad. Dick Cheney then goes to work for Halliburton. Makes hundreds of millions of dollars, their CEO. Next thing you know, he’s back in government and it’s a good idea to go into Iraq.”

Guess who said those words? That’s right, it was Rand Paul. Those words are just part of what the Republican/Libertarian said about his former Republican vice president. Rand Paul, a Republican prospect to run for president in 2016 opened his mouth in the video below and guess what…? The truth jumped out.

The video below was brought to light by Mother Jones.

Paul had more to say about Cheney. See the video below.

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