
Fox News Joins The Racist Against Coke – “This Diversity Thing” Ticked off a Lot of People – Video

Well this shouldn’t come as a surprise, so I wouldn’t spend too much time talking about Fox News and the role they’ve played in dividing this country, putting whites against blacks, rich against the poor, citizens against immigrants, straight folks against ‘The Gays’ and everyone against women and their right to make their own choices.

I will go straight into the present controversy – an inclusive Super Bowl ad by Coke that caused racists people in their mom’s basement all over this country, to rush to their keyboard and tweet their disgust. Fox News is following these people, warning Coke that their inclusive commercial will not be tolerated!

Eric Bolling from Fox apparently had a problem with Coke and their attempt at diversity, what he called “this diversity thing,” explaining that ‘America The Beautiful’ was “the wrong song” to use for their inclusiveness.

 “For whatever you gain in this diversity thing you’re going for, Coke, you blew it with a lot of people who are very, very patriotic about that song.”

“The problem here, and it’s not even bad if you have all the different cultures singing a song, showing America is a mix of different cultures, but don’t put it to ‘America the Beautiful.’ You used the wrong song. You ticked off a lot of Coke drinkers, you ticked off a lot of Americans.”
Shhhhh. Let’s not tell them that the song was actually written by a lesbian.

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