
Rand Paul Compares The Republican Party to Old, Stale, Flavorless Pizza Crust

You know when an election is coming and who is planning to run for higher office when die hard Republicans buck their party platform to appeal to a larger audience. That is what the suspected 2016 Republican presidential candidate is doing, as he tries his best to distance himself from the crazies that occupies the Republicans.

Rand Paul put a new spin on a familiar refrain that the Republican Party needs to broaden its base. He compared the GOP’s need for change to a recent Domino’s Pizza’s campaign to improve the taste of its crust.

Speaking to a packed crowd of students at the University of California at Berkeley on Wednesday, Paul said that “the Republican Party needs to either evolve, adapt or die.”

“Remember when Domino’s finally admitted they had bad crust? Think Republican Party. Admit it; bad crust. We need a different kind of party,” he said referring to a well-known advertising campaign by the pizza chain.

After complaints from customers of stale, flavorless crust, Domino’s promised change and documented its efforts to come up with better tasting pizza.

I can guarantee you that the Republicans cannot come up with a better tasting party. Their very presence will always leave a bitter taste in the mouth!

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