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Keith Olbarmann – Trump is “Self-Destructing…” We Should Help – Video

And again, I agree!

Keith Olbermann made this statement on one of his “The Resistance” episode posted on YouTube. According to Olbermann, when it comes to the president of the United States threatening our freedoms, heritage or way of life, wanting that president to fail is perfectly okay, even if it means the president ends up destroying himself and his presidency.

“Ordinarily, the last thing in the world any American would want is a leader bent on destroying himself and ending his presidency. But the threat to our freedoms, our heritage, our way of life, our lives themselves, is so overwhelming and unprecedented, that putting aside the almost immeasurable anger and resentment this childish, petulant, selfish man engenders, it is still with genuine sadness that we must look at his self-destruction and say it simply and resolutely, better him than our country.”


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