Featured Politics shooting

Joe The Plumber to Families of Gun Violence – “your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights”

The famous Republican plumber, who is not a real plumber but definitely a real Republican, has a message for the families of those killed in what is slowly becoming this nation’s favorite passtime – mass shootings.

To the families of those killed, Joe says who gives a damn if you lost your child is gunned down? As long as you don’t touch my rights to carry a gun.

Okay, so he didn’t say it in those exact words, but here’s what he did say;

It’s a tragedy.

I am sorry you lost your child. I myself have a son and daughter and the one thing I never want to go through, is what you are going through now. But:

As harsh as this sounds – your dead kids don’t trump my Constitutional rights.

Joe’s statement was made in an open letter he wrote to the families of those killed in gun violence. In his open letter, Joe summarizes the NRA’s position, that the guns are never the problem, something else is always to be blamed for mass shootings.

In the most recent mass shooting in California where one man massacred six people before killing himself, Joe, congressional Republicans and the NRA argues that a mental disorder was the culprit. They then insist that everything must be done to better monitor those with mental health issues, but whatever is done cannot include putting any restrictions or regulations on these people or their ability to get more guns.

Those restrictions or regulations they claim, would mean taking away everyone’s Second Amendment rights, you know, the right to be a well regulated melitia.

So protect their constitutional right to follow the Second Amendment, except that pesky part about being “well regulated.” That part… let’s just pretend it doesn’t exist.

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