
Saturday Night Live – Time To Pray The Congress Gets It Right – Video

SNL 254

Maybe the most reasoned voice in Congress these days is that of Chaplin Barry Black. The Chaplin has opened all the floor sessions with a prayer, mostly geared towards the dumb path Congress has laid out for this country with the Government Shutdown and the unbelievable eventual outcome of America defaulting on paying its bills.

“Save us from the madness,” the Chaplin was heard praying in one of his sessions. “We acknowledge our transgressions, our shortcomings, our smugness, our selfishness and our pride,” he went on. “Deliver us from the hypocrisy of attempting to sound reasonable while being unreasonable.”

Well leave it up to Saturday Night Live to bring some humor in this very serious time. Just hours before America defaults for the first time in our history, SNL extends the role of the Chaplin Barry Black.


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