
Republican Nut Bryan Fischer – America is a Christian Nation Because we Sell Bacon

Pure Insanity! I have no more words for these folks. If he was really a Christian and this is the argument he wanted to make, am I to believe that Fischer couldn’t come up with something better than bacon? Bacon?!?

Listen to Bryan Fischer as he discussed bacon and Christianity on his radio show.

“You want one single item of proof that America is a Christian nation and not a Jewish nation and not an Islamic nation?” he asked. “One single bit of proof is all you need: we freely allow restaurants and grocery stores to sell and to serve bacon. That can only happen in a Christian country.”

“So the sheer fact that we freely allow the sale and consumption of bacon,” he said, “is absolute proof that we are, in fact, a Christian nation”

I am totally speechless. It is amazing that these people have a following, both Religiously and politically. There are people in this nation genuinely looking for some sort of guidance, but Bacon is all the likes of Bryan Fischer and his conservative media friends can afford. Bacon is all they are able to bring to the table.

Bacon in, Bacon out! That should be the Republicans mantra!


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