
Columbia University Graduate Got The Surprise Of Her Life – Video

This Columbia University graduation became a real tear-jerker when a U.S. Army Captain, stationed in Afghanistan, surprised his daughter as she walked across the stage Monday.

“After I saw him, I couldn’t stop crying,” graduate Ruby Robinson told the Daily News Tuesday.

“I was definitely surprised,” the 22-year-old computer science major added. “It was an amazing rush of emotions.”

Her father, Army Capt. Keith Robinson, dressed in army fatigues and carrying a bouquet of flowers, was the first person she saw after she shook hands with University President Lee Bollinger.

“Congratulations, young lady,” the 25-year Army veteran said to his daughter as they hugged on the ceremonial stage.
Ruby burst into tears as she clutched her father, who kissed her on the forehead.


So You Want To Overthrow The American Government, Huh?

For all you right winged nuts running around the jungles of the south and midwest in camouflage, training to one day invade DC and remove the democratically elected president, take notice: there is a secret army with bigger guns than yours and their only job is waiting for your dumb arrival.

Buzzfeed reports:

The Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), which includes the classified units that killed Osama Bin Laden, has another secret mission according to a new book by Marc Ambinder and D. B. Grady — protecting the continuity of civilian government in the event of a coup.

“JSOC is also a key part of the classified contingency plans to preserve the U.S. civilian government in the event of a coup from the military or anyone else.”

JSOC, which includes SEAL Team Six, and the Combat Applications Group, known colloquially as Delta Force, as well as other units of greater size and even more secrecy, is “the President’s secret army,” the authors contend.

“When the president travels overseas, a JSOC team usually shadows him. Its members are trained to take charge should the mammoth security structure of the U.S. Secret Service break down.”

The Secret Service did not immediately return a request for comment on the book’s revelations.

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