Gun Control shooting

Megyn Kelly Interviews Father of Murdered Reporter – Video

Moments after his daughter was murdered on live television for the world to see, Andy Parker, father of WDBJ’s Alison Parker – one of the victims in Wednesday Virginia killings – appeared on Fox News of all places to talk about his daughter and the need for sensible gun laws in this country.

“Next week it isn’t going to be a story anymore,” Mr. Parker said on Fox, “and everybody’s gonna forget it. But mark my words, my mission in life… I’m going to do something, whatever it takes to get gun legislation, to shame people, to shame legislatures into doing something about closing loopholes in background checks and making sure crazy people don’t get guns!”

While Mr. Parker spoke, Kelly just nodded, fully aware that Fox News – being the media mouthpiece of the NRA and the right hand Republican party – will do all they can to continue pushing their usual narrative, that guns don’t kill people and that more guns is the answer!

Reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward were shot and killed on Wednesday while broadcasting and interview in Moneta Virginia.


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