ObamaCare Politics weekly address

President’s Weekly Address – Your Healthcare: “it’s a very big deal”

The President:

. A few weeks ago, we launched an important new part of the Affordable Care Act. 

It’s called the Marketplace.  And for Americans without health insurance, and Americans who buy insurance on their own because they can’t get it at work, it’s a very big deal. 

If you’re one of those people, the Affordable Care Act makes you part of a big group plan for the first time.  The Marketplace is where you can apply and shop for affordable new health insurance choices.  It gathers insurers under one system to compete for your business.  And that choice and competition have actually helped bring prices down.

Ultimately, the easiest way to buy insurance in this Marketplace will be a new website,  But as you may have heard, the site isn’t working the way it’s supposed to yet.  That’s frustrating for all of us who have worked so hard to make sure everyone who needs it gets health care.  And it’s especially frustrating for the Americans who’ve been trying to get covered.  The site has been visited more than 20 million times so far.  Nearly 700,000 people have applied for coverage already.

Healthcare New York ObamaCare

Bill Maher Tests New Yorkers Knowledge on ObamaCare – Video

Jimmy Kimmel did this a few days ago, when he sent a camera crew out on the streets of California to find out exactly what people knew about The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. The results were quite shocking, and they proved that the propaganda machine from Fox News and the Republican party was successful in dumbing down the American public on this healthcare law.

Now, Bill Maher followed and sent his crew out on the streets of New York. You would think that in a place like New York, the people would at least know what Obamacare is, but you would be wrong.

I guess when Republicans say they’re “winning” well, it’s hard to dispute that. Just look and listen to the ignorance displayed in a state where, in 2006, had the most post-graduate life sciences degrees awarded annually in the United States, 40,000 licensed physicians, and 127 Nobel laureates with roots in local institutions according to the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

Here are some examples:

INTERVIEWER: What do you think about the Affordable Care Act?

  • “I think it’s …I think it’s affordable.”
  • “The worst thing about Obamacare…is the first name. Obama. Why did he name it after HIMSELF?” (Prior to Obamacare, there was Clintoncare…a term coined in the 90s. When Hillary ran against Obama, she used ‘Obamacare’ to describe his ‘inferior’ healthcare plan. Republicans picked it up as a pejorative, and Obama began taking it back when he countered to Romney during a debate, “Obama DOES care.”)
  • “Obamacare? I think he’s a stupid motherf***er.”

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