House Republican Tid Bits

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cold as a witch’s tit in New York today, 18 degrees! And since it’s a federal holiday, practically everything is closed so no need to go outside…that’s my excuse and I’m standing behind it…

President Obama has declared a presidential proclamation citing February 2013 National Black History Month, commemorating and honoring the 50th Anniversary of The March On Washington. The groundbreaking march solidified the cause for justice and civil rights in the hearts and minds of all the brave folks who were a part of it.

“In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. from his “I Have A Dream” speech during the 1963 March On Washington. ♦

The ever-kool, Brooklyn Congressman Hakeem Jeffries is demanding an apology from NRA hell raiser Wayne LaPierre for comments he made last week in an editorial for The Daily Caller about Super Storm Sandy giving Brooklynites an open invitation to pillage and plunder, reiterating his call for more gun ownership:

“We saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn . . . And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not be home at all.”

But Congressman Jeffries begs to differ:

“There’s reality, and then there’s Wayne’s world. In Wayne’s world facts apparently don’t matter. The reality is that the in week after Super Storm Sandy hit, crime went down.”

“Wayne’s world”… lol! So far, no word on that apology, and I wouldn’t hold my breath either Hakeem. ♦

On Sunday Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand called for the renewal of the Violence Against Women Act. House Republican lawmakers opposed revisions to the bill back in October 2011 because it had the nerve to suggest its expansion to include LGBT and Native American victims of domestic violence as well. House Republicans just can’t wait to be kicked out next year, can they? The VAWA presently funds programs for domestic violence victims. Is there really a need to emphasize ALL victims of domestic violence, you numbnuts!? ♦

Mayor Bloomberg is pissed about the rising incidents of iPhone thefts marring his record of NYC’s low murder rate in 2012. The free weekly paper, The Brooklyn Paper, chronicled iPhone thefts in the 35 neighborhoods it covers, and its police blotter recorded an increase in Apple product thefts by 3,890, with some of thefts resulting in its owner being killed. My advice on avoiding iPhone theft? Put the ish away and read a paper! ♦


House Republican Politics Senate Tax cut

Today, House Republicans Voted To Raise Taxes On Middle Class America

January 1st is right around the corner, and for many hard-working Americans struggling to make ends meet, what may happen on that day, may be the last thing you want to hear about.

The same Republicans who, time and time again, put the necks of the middle class on the chopping block to protect tax cuts for the rich, voted today to raise taxes on the poor and middle class Americans, beginning the first day in January.

After seeing how House Republicans are so blatantly against the hard workers of this country, an obviously upset President, Mr. Obama, interrupted a press briefing to deliver this statement.

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Good afternoon, everybody. It is no secret that there hasn’t been an abundance of partisanship in Washington this year. And that’s why what happened on Saturday was such a big deal.

Nearly the entire Senate — including almost all of the Republicans — voted to prevent 160 million working Americans from receiving a tax increase on January 1st. Nearly the entire Senate voted to make sure that nearly 2.5 million Americans who are out there looking for a job don’t lose their unemployment insurance in the first two months of next year. And just about everybody –Democrats and Republicans — committed to making sure that early next year we find a way to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance through the end of 2012.

But now, even though Republicans and Democrats in the Senate were willing to compromise for the good of the country, a faction of Republicans in the House are refusing to even vote on the Senate bill — a bill that cuts taxes for 160 million Americans. And because of their refusal to cooperate, all those Americans could face a tax hike in just 11 days, and millions of Americans who are out there looking for work could find their unemployment insurance expired.

Now, let’s be clear: Right now, the bipartisan compromise that was reached on Saturday is the only viable way to prevent a tax hike on January 1st. It’s the only one. All of the leaders in Congress — Democrats and Republicans — say they are committed to making sure we extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance for the entire year. And by the way, this is something I called for months ago.

The issue is, is that the Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate worked on a one-year deal, made good progress, but determined that they needed more time to reach an agreement. And that’s why they passed an insurance policy — to make sure that taxes don’t go up on January 1st.

In fact, the House Republicans say they don’t dispute the need for a payroll tax cut. What they’re really trying to do, what they’re holding out for, is to wring concessions from Democrats on issues that have nothing to do with the payroll tax cut — issues where the parties fundamentally disagree. So a one-year deal is not the issue; we can and we will come to that agreement, as long as it’s focused on the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance and not focused on extraneous issues.

The issue right now is this: The clock is ticking; time is running out. And if the House Republicans refuse to vote for the Senate bill, or even allow it to come up for a vote, taxes will go up in 11 days. I saw today that one of the House Republicans referred to what they’re doing as, “high-stakes poker.” He’s right about the stakes, but this is not poker, this is not a game — this shouldn’t be politics as usual. Right now, the recovery is fragile, but it is moving in the right direction. Our failure to do this could have effects not just on families but on the economy as a whole. It’s not a game for the average family, who doesn’t have an extra 1,000 bucks to lose. It’s not a game for somebody who’s out there looking for work right now, and might lose his house if unemployment insurance doesn’t come through. It’s not a game for the millions of Americans who will take a hit when the entire economy grows more slowly because these proposals aren’t extended.

I just got back from a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base, where we received the flag and the colors that our troops fought under in Iraq, and I met with some of the last men and women to return home from that war. And these Americans, and all Americans who serve, are the embodiment of courage and selflessness and patriotism, and when they fight together, and sometimes die together, they don’t know and they certainly don’t care who’s a Democrat and who’s a Republican and how somebody is doing in the polls and how this might play in the spin room. They work as a team, and they do their job. And they do it for something bigger than themselves.

The people in this town need to learn something from them. We have more important things to worry about than politics right now. We have more important things to worry about than saving face, or figuring out internal caucus politics. We have people who are counting on us to make their lives just a little bit easier, to build an economy where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded. And we owe it to them to come together right now and do the right thing. That’s what the Senate did. Democrats and Republicans in the Senate said, we’re going to put our fights on other issues aside and go ahead and do what’s right on something we all agree to. Let’s go ahead and do it. We’ll have time later for the politics; we’ll have time later to have fights around a whole bunch of other issues. Right now, though, we know this is good for the economy — and they went ahead and did the right thing.

I need the Speaker and House Republicans to do the same: Put politics aside, put aside issues where there are fundamental disagreements, and come together on something we agree on. And let’s not play brinksmanship. The American people are weary of it; they’re tired of it. They expect better. I’m calling on the Speaker and the House Republican leadership to bring up the Senate bill for a vote. Give the American people the assurance they need in this holiday season.

Thank you.



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