
Predictions For 2019: Nothing Will Happen

That’s right. Nothing meaningful will happen on the national political stage for an entire 12 months.  And just to make sure I cover all of my bases, nothing meaningful will happen in most other areas of American life in 2019

Of course I’ll be wrong, but maybe you get the sense of why I’m saying these things. I’m not a pessimist. In fact, I’m one of the great all-time optimists presently trodding the soil. It’s just that I don’t see the split Congress and the far right White House making much headway towards solving some of our most pressing problems.

Could we get an infrastructure bill? Possibly, but that would mean that the president would have to give up his dream of a wall on the southern border, or the Democrats would have to up the amount of money they want to spend on the border to end the shutdown. At this point, I would think that the Democrats hold the better cards, if only because Trump is a minority president (oh, the irony) and holds a minority position that is supported by a minority of the population.

I understand that he’s trying to hold on to his core supporters for 2020, but they won’t be enough to give him a second term, since many people who voted for him simply despised Hillary Clinton and could vote for a more palatable Democrat. And speaking of, we’ll get an early indication of who will be entering the 2020 contest in a matter of weeks. I”m fairly sure that New Jersey’s own Senator Cory Booker will run, as will Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Kirsten Gillibrand. Bernie Sanders will also explore an encore and Joe Biden will give it some serious thought. Honestly, none of them jump out at me as a clear winner, and it’s possible that the nominee will not be one of this group.

Combine a divided government with epic fundraising and a president who doesn’t know much about policy or how policy gets made into law or how the law works or whether he has to follow the law or whether he can just say what the law is and you get a year where not much is going to happen legislatively unless you consider investigations and calls for Trump’s tax returns significant legal accomplishments.

Will there be fireworks? You bet. But precious little will get done that will actually improve the country.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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GoFundMe Page Started to Build Escalators Over Trump’s Wall

Although Mexico was supposed to pay for it, some Americans are digging deep into their pockets not to give to the needy this holiday season or buy Christmas gifts, some Americans are digging into their pocket to fund Trump’s wall.

But there are others who have seen the absurdity of a physical wall along our southern border, and they have started their own GoFundme page… to build escalators over Trump’s wall.

At the time of this post, the GuFundMe page to build escalators over Trump’s wall is three days old. And over $7500 dollars have been donated.

According to the page creator, Luke O’Neil,;

“The wall is never going to be built but just in case it is we will build a series of giant escalators that are spaced out a half mile along the wall on either side and if that doesn’t happen we’ll just give the money to people who care about the well being of human beings no matter where they’re from. 

“The escalators are a metaphor please do not come and investigate me ICE or whoever I’m not really going to build a series of giant escalators it’s a joke to raise money for this good cause. To be clear all the money goes to RAICES a very worthy immigrant legal services charity and there is no way for me to access it even if I wanted to. “

Want to donate to a worthy purpose? Build Escalators over Trump’s Wall


Shutdown and Foreign ‘ffairs Follies: Just Another Brick In the Wall

Let’s look at the latest destruction of American norms this way: Which countries seem to be the happiest with President Trump’s assault on the institutions that won the Cold War and have kept the peace since 1945?

China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Syria, and although not countries, let’s add Hezbollah and ISIS just because.

Could anyone think of a more motley collection of autocrats, dictators, murderers, liars, usurpers, and authoritarians who flout what pass for laws, constitutions, respect for human rights and the dignity of having your own opinion? Vladimir Putin loves the idea of the US pulling out of Syria. So dies Recep Erdogan. They couldn’t comment quickly enough.

And let’s also look at who was angriest at him for even suggesting that he would sign a budget bill without money for the worst policy idea of the past 80 years: FOX, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, Sean Hannity and the rest of the far right who did not then and do not now represent the majority view of how this country should comport itself domestically and in foreign affairs.

So naturally, Mr. 46% Small Hands, upon settling down in his bathrobe for the evening, sees that the TV is yelling at him and since the TV knows everything, he needs to shut down the government, deny workers their pay, deny everyone else the opportunity to visit national parks, and generally throw the country into an unsettling funk during the holiday season.
Of course, let’s not forget that the president is also stomping on his own economic record by engaging in a silly trade war and being unpredictable enough that the business class, which should be reveling in the shower of money raining down on them, are flop-sweat nervous every weekday morning at 9:30, when the bell to open the stock market shouts its arrival.

The interesting turn in all of this is that I do not altogether disagree with pulling American troops out of quagmires in Afghanistan, Syria, and other nations where for 17 years we’ve been doing relatively little to solve problems. though we have, in some cases, prevented the political and social problems from getting worse. I supported President Obama’s troop withdrawals and I would support President Trump’s if I believed that he could do it the right way.

He proved that he could not. And my evidence:

Whither Bibi?

That’s right, for all of the congratulations Trump received from the Killing Klass, we’ve heard not a peep out of Benjamin Netanyahu, who stands to lose a great deal, as does Israel, by an American withdrawal from the Middle East. Because the president, in one fell swoop, did more to strengthen Bashar al-Assad, the mullahs in Iran, Vladimir Putin and Hezbollah than anything they could have done on their own. And they all hate Israel. So the president who says that he loves Israel turns out not to really know what he’s doing when it comes to our ally.

The same is true for our European and Asian allies as well. The president is talking about pulling back troops from Japan and South Korea because he doesn’t see them contributing enough to their own defense. Making them pay more does make sense, but lessening our influence in a fit of FOX pique is irresponsible and dangerous. China is expanding in that area even with our troops present. Imagine what will happen if we leave.

Of course, Trump’s real fear is that he will realistically lose his shot at history by losing the 2020 election, which is becoming more and more a probability. That’s why he’s focusing more and more on the far right elements of the electorate who supported him in 2016. 

The problem is that by shivving the economy with his unpredictable trade policies, advocating unconditionally for a wall that won’t stop the ladders and tunnels (and private property lawsuits) that will inevitably breach it, and playing sandbox politics by telling the country that it’s his government and if he doesn’t like what’s happening then he’s going to shut it down, he is narrowing his supporters into only those elements and he will lose more of the moderate conservatives who couldn’t stand Hillary Clinton and who then turned on the GOP last month. If he couldn’t get a wall through a Republican Congress over the past two years, he’s not getting it through Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senators who have their eyes on the party’s nomination.

Perhaps cooler heads will resolve the shutdown this weekend. The long-term problems, though, will live on with the bathrobe.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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REpublicans Now Turning Against Trump

Well, it took them long enough. We can only hope that their silence has not allowed Donald Trump to do irreparable damage to this country.

CNN contributor Maggie Haberman shares her findings on what some Republicans are now saying about their dear leader.

In light of the many issues challenging the Trump administration — border wall funding and threatened government shutdown, a tanking stock market, a very controversial Syrian withdrawal and a stunning protest resignation of Defense Secretary of James Mattis — host John Berman asked his guest if all of this drama was really about President Donald Trump’s survival in the White House.

Calling it a “critical moment,” Haberman reported that there was waning support for Trump from the right, saying “A number of conservatives who worked on the campaign and supported the president and now say, you know, I regret doing that, and this was a mistake, this administration is, you know, off the rails, and all of these investigations that are coming to a head will be a huge problem.”

She adding that these conservatives “disgusted” with details that have emerged from the Michael Cohen plea deal. In her eyes, investigations into Trump’s campaign are ” going to intensify as we get into the year” before bringing up impeachment.  “It takes 20 Republican senators to vote in favor of impeachment. This could be a critical moment.”

Donald Trump Donald Trump Racial profiling

Trump’s America is Full of Hate – Video

It is safe to say that hate and racism and sexism and Islamophobia and all the other hateful terms used to describe small isolated segments of our did not start two years ago when Donald Trump took the White House. Hate in America has been around for
Centuries. But the degree to which hate has taken center stage in our national discourse has a direct coalition to the man in the Oval Office – the man who has gladly accepted the support of Nazis and the KKK.

So yes, we should be outraged by the obvious hate displayed in the video below. But our outrage should be focused not only on the actions that took place at Chartiers Valley High School in Pittsburgh, but our outrage should also be focused on the conduit and his dog-whistle that promotes these isolated segments of our society. And we should do all we can to disrupt Trump’s conduit of hate if we truly want to make America great…again.
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Trump’s Personal Piggy-Bank Fundation to Dissolve Amid Investigation

It is something Trump and his gang should have done a long time ago. They apparently thought their little scheme to rip off unsuspecting donors to their “foundation” would go unnoticed. Instead, it took an investigation into their wrongdoings by the New York Attorney General for Trump and kind to realize that people are watching, and their crimes are not above the law.

So now, now they are forced to dissolve the Foundation. As the investigation revealed, Donald Trump has used the funds from his charitable foundation as his personal piggy-bank.

The dissolution of the Donald J. Trump Foundation resolves one element of the attorney general’s civil lawsuit against the foundation, which includes claims that the President and his three eldest children — Don Jr., Ivanka Eric — violated campaign-finance laws and abused its tax-exempt status. Rather than operating it as a genuine charity, the lawsuit alleges, they instead allowed it to be used “as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.

“The agreement to dissolve, signed by both an attorney for the foundation and Attorney General Barbara Underwood’s office, also allows the attorney general’s office to review the recipients of the charity’s assets. The foundation’s most recent tax return listed its net assets at slightly more than $1.7 million.


Did the GOP Just Lose the 2020 Election?

Health care.


Do the Republicans, and conservatives in general, really not get the fact that most Americans need reliable health insurance that covers the checkups,  basic procedures, and tests they need to stay healthy? Do they really not understand that, yes, you can lower the cost of health insurance, but past a certain point it becomes prohibitively expensive to actually use the plan because deductibles and co-insurance rates are sky high? Are they really that ignorant of the idea that reliable, comprehensive health insurance coverage is in itself a safety net that allows Americans to work productively and plan for their financial and physical future?

I guess not. 

Health care was the number one issue in the 2018 elections, and the overwhelming majority of Americans said they disapproved of taking away, or making more expensive, coverage for pre-existing conditions. They like that physicals require no co-payment and that contraceptives are covered by most employers. So what seems to be the GOP position on health care?

You’re on your own, and if you have a pre-existing condition…stop it!

Of course, the Federal Court ruling last week is only the first step in the process of appeals that will likely culminate in a Supreme Court ruling in the middle of another presidential election. And we certainly know that Donald “Nobody Knew Health Care Could Be So Complicated” Trump is going to be absolutely useless on this issue. His response to the judicial ruling was to say that we’re going to fix the system and get everybody great health care.

Except that he spent the first 8 months of his presidency trying to repeal the law that put us on that course, then supported a GOP bill that would have thrown 20 million people off their plans. And he had a Republican majority in both houses of Congress to help him, but they couldn’t get it done. His opportunity to get a bill that actually fixes the deficiencies of the ACA is gone.

The GOP isn’t getting any help from the states either. Soon to be ex-Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, just signed a bill that prohibits the state from leaving a suit that challenges the ACA. I’m sure that more conservatives, even the ones who lost in November, will continue to try and get rid of the law. And people’s health insurance. Without a workable alternative. Refill the swamp, no?

Now that the Democrats control the House of Representatives, the chances are they will propose a bill more to the liking of most Americans who struggle with paying their bills and maintaining their health, which is mostly everyone with a middle-class income or less. They should make necessary changes to the ACA and make sure that every American knows that the consequences of the Republican assault on their ability to buy insurance will mean a drop in their quality of life.

And it’s not just health care that will ultimately spell doom for the Republicans. The climate, pollution, indictments, the trade war, unconscionable treatment of refugees and those who are trying to flee political and personal terror, a tax law that will explode the deficit and help the wealthy, the stock market, overt racism and sexism and, ultimately, a president who knows no boundaries when it comes to disrespecting the constitution, will all combine to remind voters that the United States is better than those who are presently running it.

It was immigration that likely won the election for Trump in 2016. Health care will be his, and the GOP’s undoing in 2020.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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Google CEO Explains to Congress Why Searching for “Idiot” Shows Pictures of Donald Trump – Video

Some would say that needs no explanation. Some would say the Google Search Engine is correct to show information about Donald Trump when someone searches the word, “idiot.” But in Congress, Republicans think something smells, and they’re not talking about the stench in the White House!

On Tuesday, the search engine giant’s CEO Sundar Pichai had the task of explaining to members of Congress why that happens during a hearing in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

Pichai refuted Rep. Zoe Lofgren’s (D-Calif.) tongue-in-cheek suggestion that it was down to “a little man sitting behind the curtain” who was skewing the results against conservatives — saying the company doesn’t “manually intervene” in searches.

“We provide search today for any time you type in a keyword. We, as Google, have gone out and crawled and stored copies of billions of their pages in our index, and we take the keyword and match it against the pages and rank them based on over 200 signals,” Pichai explained.

“Things like relevance, freshness, popularity, how other people are using it. And based on that, you know, at any given time, we try to find the best results for that query,” he added, during the hearing that also threw up several other self-owns for lawmakers.

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Republican Senator – “I Don’t Care” About Trump’s Crimes

Trump’s past lawyer, the man who said he would “take a bullet” for Donald Trump, implicated Trump in a crime… no… two crimes for campaign contribution violation.

According to Michael Cohen, Donald Trump instructed him to pay off a pornstar and a playboy bunny to keep them silent during the 2016 presidential election about affairs he had with Trump. This action, according to Robert Mueller and prosecutors from the Southern District of New York, is a clear campaign violation contribution laws.

But don’t tell that to Congressional Republicans. Presented with facts that Donald Trump is a criminal, a criminal in the Oval Office, Republicans have decided that being in lockstep with Trump is their only hope.

Take Utah Senator Orrin Hatch for example. Greeted with a microphone and a camera thrust in his face and asked for a response to Trump’s involvement in these crimes, Hatch replied, “I don’t care, all I can say is he’s doing a great job as president.”

And Hatch is not alone. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell basically said he hasn’t thought about Trump’s crimes to have an opinion on the matter.

We have a criminal in the Oval Office and the folks tasked with constitutional oversight have buried their head in the sand.

And you wonder why the world is laughing at us.

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Gadzooks! It Looks Like There Really ARE Witches!

I’m finally convinced that President Trump is absolutely correct when he tweets that Robert Mueller’s investigation into the alleged malfeasance of the Trump campaign and his possible obstruction of justice is, indeed, a witch hunt.

Because we’ve discovered that there are witches.

Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort have told demonstrable lies about their roles and the actions of others during their time as Trump servants. Manafort has made an art of his lying by first getting a deal on immunity, then breaking it by lying some more. This guy is a machine. Impressive. Cohen’s testimony, which implicates the president directly in authorizing payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal in return for their silence about their affairs with him, is even more damaging because it essentially calls Trump a liar since he denies having affairs with either of them. The weight of the evidence is not in the president’s favor.

And if you thought the witches only came out in the Mueller investigation, then you haven’t been paying attention. The other witches were found in North Carolina engaged in…wait for it…voter fraud.  The best part is that they’re Republicans. You know, the ones who enacted all of the voter ID and intimidation laws that have been suppressing minority voters for the past two national election cycles. The ones who claimed that illegal immigrants were voting in huge numbers against the president. The ones who said that Democrats were stealing elections.


Yes, they engaged in some fraudulent activities that blatantly affected the vote in a congressional race in North Carolina. And the even bester part is that the GOP contender is an evangelical preacher who says he has no idea that this was happening in his campaign. What a disgrace.

So there you have it, my friends. Real witches doing really witchful things.

The president is right. And it could turn out to haunt him. Eye of newt indeed.

For more, go to or Twitter @rigrundfest

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Does Trump Not Know The National Anthem? – Video

They say it’s bad lipreading, but the interpretation seems to be on point.

Wisconsin Republicans Gerrymander Democrats’ Ability to Govern

The voters of Wisconsin spoke loud and clear in last midterms election, replacing Republicans with Democrats up and down the ballot. And in January, the newly elected officials will take control of the state, reflecting the wish of the people.

But Republicans are still in control, and they are jumping through hoops in an unbelievable power grab to suffocate Democrats before they take office.

Wisconsin’s lame-duck, Republican-controlled state Legislature passed on Wednesday a host of measures designed to kneecap Gov.-elect Tony Evers, other Democrats elected to statewide offices and hurt the Democratic Party in general, sending the legislation to the GOP governor Evers defeated ― Scott Walker ― for his signature.

One part of the package would prohibit municipalities from allowing more than two weeks of early voting. That presumably would cut down on voter turnout, which generally helps Republicans.

Other provisions would give the Legislature full control of a state economic development agency, block the governor’s ability to write regulations and allow the Legislature to hire its own lawyers to file lawsuits on behalf of the state.

Walker, who narrowly lost to Evers, is expected to sign the package into law.

Democrats are already threatening to fight the measures in court.

“We will actively be looking at either to litigate or do whatever else in our power to make sure the people of Wisconsin are represented at the table,” Evers told reporters on Tuesday, according to The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel.

He and the other newly elected Democrats take office in early January.

One change Republicans had considered wasn’t included in the final package ― scheduling the state’s presidential primary for March instead of its current date in April. The GOP had hoped to separate it from a state Supreme Court election that is also on the April ballot. That likely would have resulted in a lower turnout for the April vote, presumably helping a conservative judge seeking re-election.

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