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Republican Senator – “I Don’t Care” About Trump’s Crimes

Trump’s past lawyer, the man who said he would “take a bullet” for Donald Trump, implicated Trump in a crime… no… two crimes for campaign contribution violation.

According to Michael Cohen, Donald Trump instructed him to pay off a pornstar and a playboy bunny to keep them silent during the 2016 presidential election about affairs he had with Trump. This action, according to Robert Mueller and prosecutors from the Southern District of New York, is a clear campaign violation contribution laws.

But don’t tell that to Congressional Republicans. Presented with facts that Donald Trump is a criminal, a criminal in the Oval Office, Republicans have decided that being in lockstep with Trump is their only hope.

Take Utah Senator Orrin Hatch for example. Greeted with a microphone and a camera thrust in his face and asked for a response to Trump’s involvement in these crimes, Hatch replied, “I don’t care, all I can say is he’s doing a great job as president.”

And Hatch is not alone. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell basically said he hasn’t thought about Trump’s crimes to have an opinion on the matter.

We have a criminal in the Oval Office and the folks tasked with constitutional oversight have buried their head in the sand.

And you wonder why the world is laughing at us.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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