
Rubio’s Lie about Welders Making More than Philosophers Quickly Debunked

Donald Trump jeb bush Politics

New Poll – Bernie Sanders Has Double Digit Lead over Donald Trump and Jeb Bush

Bernie Sanders – Can you #FeelTheBern?

In a new McClatchy-Marist poll, Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) leads Republican candidate Donald Trump by a landslide margin of 12 percentage points, 53 to 41. In the McClatchy poll, Sanders also leads former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) by a landslide margin of 10 points, 51 to 41.

The huge Sanders advantage over Bush is new. In previous match-ups, the polling showed Sanders and Bush running virtually even, with Bush holding a 1-point lead over Sanders in most of the polls. Future polls will be needed to test whether the huge Sanders lead over Bush in the McClatchy poll will be repeated in future polling or whether the McClatchy poll is an outlier.

Barack Obama Ben Carson Politics

Trevor Noah Shows Carson The Craziness of The Obama Vetting Process – Video

Ben Carson thinks the media is against him. The man is running for president and he expects the media to give him a free pass by ignoring his inconsistent statements about his past. Any questions by the media pointing out his lies and falsehoods are immediately shut down by Carson himself, and the usual Republican talking-points attacking the “mainstream media,” follows. Attacking the media plays well with his right-wing, and usually earns Carson more good favor among his Republican base.

Carson, convinced that he is the only presidential candidate ever to be vetted by the press, issued a challenge to the media – to find another president, namely President Obama, who went through the vetting process the way he is.

“If you could find me where that has happened with someone else, I’ll take that statement back,” Carson said, referring to his claim that Obama was not vetted.

Trevor Noah from Comedy Central took him up on that challenge.



Pastor Says Watching ‘Harry Potter’ Turns Kids Into Homosexuals – Video

This is the United States of America, where everyone is entitled to their own opinion no matter what that opinion is. But sometimes, those opinions are so outlandish, so far-fetched, that they are worth mentioning if only for the purpose of ridicule.

Take Pastor Kevin Swanson for example. Like his title suggests, Swanson is a preacher but some of his messages deserve more than just a write-off as another person with a dumb, baseless opinion. Like when he preached that watching Harry Potter and How to Train Your Dragon turn kids into homosexuals. I mean really? Is that truly a fact? And if not, then isn’t it a lie being preached from the pulpit?

During his National Religious Liberties Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, Swanson said;

Repent America! Repent! America, repent of your rebellion against God! America, repent of stumbling the little ones! America, repent of “Harry Potter!” America, repent of “How to Train Your Dragon!”

America, repent that Dumbledore emerged as a homosexual mentor for “Harry Potter,” that Hiccup’s mentor in “How to Train Your Dragon” emerged as a homosexual himself in order that history might repeat itself one more time, in order that little six- and seven- and eight-year-olds might stumble, in order that tens of millions of parents.

It would be better for them that a millstone be hanged around their neck and they be drowned at the bottom of the sea in order that there would be so many people stumbling so many children in public schools, in movie theaters, in homes in which children are raised to be stumbled by the Dumbledores and by the mentors of Hiccup in “How to Train Your Dragon!”


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