
Megyn Kelly’s Hillary Clinton Talking-Point gets Shut Down On Air – Video

Yes, Fox News is the direct right arm of the Republican party, so when Barack Obama or Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton is mentioned on the network, negative connotations usually follow.

Enter Fox News host Megyn Kelly, and her recent episode bashing Hillary Clinton for announcing her intentions to run for President but, according to Kelly, avoiding reporters. Kelly’s guest, a regular Fox News contributor named Leslie Marshall, was invited to discuss Kelly’s concerns and she totally shutdown those concern as premature.

“So far, brilliantly done” Megyn says, referring to Clinton’s presidential announcement and her listening tour. “I mean, if she didn’t want to speak to the press, she managed to avoid them, she made them look like idiots and she’s pursuing this method that Valerie Jarrett said got Barack Obama elected.”

Marshall calmly explained to Megyn that it is still early in the process. That Clinton announced her candidacy just days ago and that the 2016 election is still a good ways off. Marshall practically guaranteed Kelly that as time went on, Clinton will be interviewed. But this was not accepted by Kelly and she continued pushing the talking point that Clinton was avoiding the press.

In the end, Marshall clearly won this debate as common sense prevailed. To quote Marshall, “She will have scheduled interviews, she has to, she can’t avoid it.”


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