Barack Obama Politics

Paranoid Republican Say Obama is Using Ebola to Control the World

He almost went to jail for violating campaign finance rules, so conservative talker Dinesh D’Souza is the man Republicans run to for information.

Invited to share his wisdom with his fellow conservatives, D’Souza was asked his opinion on President Obama and his handling of the so-called “Ebola Outbreak.” Note: Republicans love calling it an “outbreak” because the fear you feel is more potent… and the election is on November 4th.

Newsmax host Steve Malzberg invited D’Souza on his program today to discuss President Obama’s response to the Ebola epidemic, specifically the president’s comments criticizing the widely-panned decisions in several states to quarantine asymptomatic healthcare providers returning from West Africa.

D’Souza said that while he senses that “there’s something very strange that’s kind of going on here,” he thinks that Obama “probably” isn’t trying to exact “anti-colonial revenge” by starting an Ebola epidemic in America, despite reports to that effect that he had seen on the internet.

“On the other hand,” D’Souza said, “I would be willing to say that here’s a guy that seeks to view things from the global point of view and he doesn’t seem to recognize his special responsibility to American citizens.”

“We elected him, he took an oath to protect and defend our interests. So, enough of this ‘President of the World’ nonsense, it’s time to start protecting American interests, Mr. President!”

Note: In this nation of 315 million, 2 people contracted Ebola here and they’re both alive and well… and Ebola-free! But Obama is not trying to protect Americans, he is apparently trying to control the world!


Politics Wisconsin

Scott Walker’s New Ad Praises The Same Law He Already Repealed

It’s election time again folks, a time when people say things they really don’t mean and take positions they really can’t stand.

Take Wisconsin’s Scott Walker for example. Two years ago when Scott Walker was the beloved of the Republican Party, he secretly signed a bill repealing the state’s Equal Pay law. Before the repeal, the law provided women more opportunities to get compensation for their work, including lawsuits. But Walker’s repeal went practically unnoticed, although his fellow Republicans applauded his efforts.

The Huffington Post quotes another Republican, Senator Glenn Grothman, who showered praise on Walker’s repeal, saying Wisconsin’s Equal Pay law was “an underreported problem,” because “a huge number of discrimination claims are baseless.”

But that was then, this is now. Recent polling in Wisconsin suggests that Walker is losing the women’s vote to his Democratic challenger, Mary Burke. So what does Walker do? He puts out a new ad praising women’s equal pay laws, the very law he repealed.


Mike Brown Shooting

Report – Ferguson Police Chief will Resign

CNN is reporting that Ferguson’s Police Chief, Thomas Jackson, is about to resign. The chief however, along with the mayor, are denying the report.

Under the proposed plan, after Jackson leaves, city leadership would ask the St. Louis County police chief to take over management of Ferguson’s police force.

The announcement could come as soon as next week.

It would be one step in what local officials hope will help reduce tensions in the city as the public awaits a decision on whether the St. Louis County grand jury will bring charges against Officer Darren Wilson in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.

“The animosity that existed in Ferguson were way before Mike Brown’s shooting, justified or not. So, unfortunately, the leadership in the police department has to change,” said CNN legal analyst Mark O’ Mara. “And if he’s sort of a sacrificial lamb to get this started, it’s going to have to be. Ferguson’s going to have to more forward. And it doesn’t seem they can move forward with this police chief in place.”

Ebola Politics

New Poll – President’s Approval Ratings Go Up

In spite of all the scare-tactics by the Republicans and the misleading stories in the news media, a majority of Americans approve of the president’s handling of the so-called “Ebola Outbreak.”

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows Americans approve of Obama’s handling of the situation, 49 percent to 41 percent. His approval rating is up eight points from just two weeks ago, mostly thanks to people moving from “undecided” column into the more favorable one.

Obama still doesn’t have majority support on the issue, but it’s his highest approval rating on any given issue since he hit 50 percent on combating the Islamic State last month. Prior to that, he hadn’t hit 50 percent — or even 49 percent — on an issue since January.

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