Mike Brown Mike Brown Shooting

St Louis Cardinal Fans Scream Racist Rants at Mike Brown Protesters – Video

As if having a racist cop murder Mike Brown wasn’t enough, protesters went to a Cardinals/Dodgers game on Monday and while protesting Brown’s killing outside the stadium, something they were constitutionally allowed to do, they were shouted down with racists rants from the good ole folks at the game.

Apparently, Darren Wilson, the cop who took out his gun and pumped 6 bullets into Mike Brown’s fleeing body, has a lot of fans out there.



The New Ice Bucket Challenge is Called #FeelingNuts – PIC

No, you don’t have to pour buckets of ice and water over your head and no, you don’t have to donate anything. Feeling Nuts is just that… feeling… nuts.

It is a social media campaign to bring awareness to testicular cancer and it is beginning to gain ground online. Celebrities like Hugh Jackman (above), Ricky Gervais, and William Shatner have already participated.

Listen, men are already grabbing their nuts. The point of this movement is to give them a real reason to grab. Early detection is often the best remedy and if this #FeelingNuts movement exposes some unwanted lumps in the process, millions of lives can be saved.

So go ahead men, don’t just feel them cause they’re there, really feel them…



Police Breaks Car Window to Tase Passenger For Not Wearing a Seat belt – Video

‘To Protect and To Serve’ was once again thrown out the window as overly aggressive police officers demands an ID from a passenger in a car, then breaks his window to tase him when he asked for their supervisor.

HAMMOND, IN — After witnessing a motorist allegedly not wearing a seatbelt, police escalated a violent confrontation to the point of shattering a window to extract a passenger when he claimed not to have an ID.

“Oh my God, he’s pulling me over like I robbed a bank,” recalled Lisa Mahone, the driver and alleged seatbelt violator. “The whole situation was just crazy.”

Ms. Mahone was riding with her boyfriend and 2 children to the hospital to see her mother, who was literally on her deathbed.

“I gave him my license and insurance. I also let him know at the beginning to please hurry up because my mom is about to die,” Ms. Mahone said.

Hammond Police, fishing for more offenses, demanded that her adult passenger, Jamal Jones, produce an identification. Mr. Jones initially declined to provide an identification, but when officers continued to insist, he opened up his backpack to look for one.

That’s when police drew their guns.

Mr. Jones requested a supervisor, and Ms. Mahone dialed 9-1-1 to describe the situation and request the same.

“I am scared. And the man–pulled a gun out. A gun! Why do my kids have to see that,” Mahone told the 9-1-1 operator.

Mr. Jones expressed reluctance to get out of the vehicle due to the officers’ aggressiveness and mentioned that “People are getting shot by the police.”

“You all got a white shirt?” Jones asked, referring to the supervisor the family had been requesting. The officer responded, “Look at my shoulder, dumbass. I got bars.”

“You’re going to come out of the car one way or another,” the officer menaced. “You want your kids to see you come out through the window?”
Shortly thereafter, the HPD officers rammed a metal object through the passenger window and began to jolt Mr. Jones with a taser. Jones was yanked from of the vehicle, and Ms. Mahone and her children were showered in shards of broken glass.

Ebola Featured Slavery

Rush Limbaugh – Obama Wants Americans Infected with Ebola Because of Slavery

Day after day, Republicans tun in by the millions to hear the things Rush Limbaugh say. Not only to hear the things he say, but also to memorize the list of new talking points from their leader with the golden mic.

On Monday, said leader with the golden mic went on a rant, stating, without facts of course, that president Obama is allowing Americans to be infected with the Ebola virus as a payback for slavery.

I know, I know, just when you think a couldn’t get any crazier, this will be the new talking point from the Republican party.

While speaking with one of the unfortunate callers on his nationally syndicated talk show, ‘the Limbaugh’ said that there are liberals who believe that America is responsible for the spread of Ebola in Liberia because that nation was established by freed American slaves.

“And if it hadn’t been for that they probably wouldn’t have [Ebola]. So there are some people who think we kind of deserve a little bit of this,” he said, before accusing elected leaders of purposely leaving the country vulnerable to the virus.

“The danger we have now is that we elected people in positions of power and authority who think this or think like this in terms of this country being responsible, this country being to blame for things and it’s that kind of thinking that leads to opposition to shutting down airports from various countries,” Limbaugh explained, referring to the Obama administration’s handling of the crisis.

“It leads to opposition to keeping these people out of the country: ‘How dare we? We can’t turn our back on them! They exist because of us. We can’t turn them away!’”


contraception Politics war on women

Scott Brown Now In Favor of Women’s Contraception

Scott Brown is just another Republican in the long list of Republicans going back on their former positions to win an election.

In a debate on Monday, the former Massachusetts senator said that he always supported a woman’s choice and access to contraception. This is a new position of course, because Scott Brown is one of the co-sponsors of a legislation that blocks women’s access to the same thing he now says he always supported.

“To think that I don’t support women’s rights and ability to get contraception is just a false premise,” Brown said during the debate against Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH). “I have since I was 18 years old.”

Talking Points Memo points out that the legislation Scott Walker previously sponsored, gave employers the right to take away contraception access from employees based on that employer’s belief.

But that was then and this is now. And according to Scott Walker’s new position, that legislation he recently co-sponsored happened before he turned 18.

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