Michael Brown Mike Brown Shooting Politics

Fox News Suggests Police Was “Justified” in Murdering Michael Brown – Video

The innuendos and falsehoods included in their broadcast to their uninformed audience on Sunday morning was enough to win Fox News an award for the most nonsense said in a 3 min segment. And they have tons of segments to choose from.

On Sunday’s edition of Fox & Friends, co-host Tucker Carlson seemed utterly amazed that “40 FBI Agents” are investigating the incident in Ferguson. “That is such a shocking number,” the idiot said, as he complained about the federal investigation into Brown’s execution.

“What’s the point of that?” Carlson asked. “You don’t need FBI agents to investigate a killing, that’s what the police department is for!”

Of course Carlson refused to see the ignorance of his statement and he refused to acknowledge that this same police department brought out tanks, snipers and flash grenades to battle citizens who were peacefully protesting the killing of an unarmed teenager in the streets.

Carlson wanted that police department to investigate the killing, a killing that involves one of their own – a police officer – who pulled the trigger, pumping multiple rounds into Brown’s body. The same police department that protected their ‘brother’ by not even releasing his name for almost a week! They, Carlson argues, should be the ones investigating the crime!

But as abhorrent as that argument was, his co-host totally took the cake.

Juliet Huddy, sitting between the two ferns, contributed her two cents by insinuating that maybe, just maybe the officer was “justified” in emptying his clip into the human being until he laid dead, lifeless in the street. Now, we are not sure if the police officer – later identified as Darren Wilson – emptied his clip, but according to multiple eye witnesses and the police protected autopsy, Brown was shot multiple times. And eyewitnesses indicated that some of those shots hit Brown in his back as he ran away for his life.

Huddy however, thinks there could be some justification for this.

Her two cents came as the two ferns besides her argued that the Justice Department had other motives when they asked the police department not to release the video showing someone, allegedly Michael Brown, robbing a convenience store. “Releasing the video would incite more protests,” the Justice Department said, but of course, the ferns believed the nonsense swirling around in their heads.

Huddy then dropped this nugget!

“But the thing is that the crowd immediately went out there when they found out that this man was shot — a young black man was shot by a white cop,” she said. “They went out there, they were furious about it.”

She continued:

“Had that tape been out there, had crowd realized that this man might have been robbing a store, there might have been something else criminal going on there, you know, to lend credence to the fact that maybe in some way — we don’t know this — but maybe this officer was justified, maybe this was a bad guy, maybe he wasn’t the ‘gentle giant.’ I’m not saying that’s what it was.”


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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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