
2 Year Old Son of Minnesota Vikings Star Dies From Abuse

A 2-year-old son of Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson died on Friday in a Sioux Falls, S.D., hospital, the victim of alleged abuse by a man who was dating the boy’s mother, police confirmed.

Peterson’s father, Nelson Peterson, confirmed Friday afternoon that the child is Adrian Peterson’s. Peterson met with the media Friday, hours before the boy passed away, and said at the time he still planned to play in Sunday’s game against Carolina, but declined to get into details about the case.

Peterson posted a statement on his Twitter account after news of the child’s death.

“Thank you to my family, my fans and fans of other teams for their support. The NFL is a fraternity of brothers and I am thankful for the tweets, phone calls and text messages from my fellow players. God Bless everyone and thank u so much,” Peterson wrote in three tweets.

Police arrested Joseph Robert Patterson, 27, who was initially charged with aggravated assault and aggravated assault on an infant. Sioux Falls police said additional charges are being considered.

Patterson has a prior domestic abuse record with a different woman and child, having pleaded guilty to simple assault in an incident last year involving an adult female and juvenile male.

Sioux Falls police said Patterson recently started a relationship with the mother of the 2-year-old victim. Patterson appeared in court Friday morning in Canton, S.D. His bond had been set at $750,000 in cash before the boy’s death.

The incident occurred in Patterson’s apartment, where the boy had recently moved with his mother. Patterson called 911 on Wednesday evening to report a choking at the Platinum Valley apartment, but Lt. Blaine Larsen of the Sioux Falls Police Department said it became clear at the hospital that the boy’s injuries were not accidental.

Sioux Falls police said the incident was initially reported as a medical emergency.


91 Year Old Veteran Attacks Republicans For Government Shutdown – Ad

The 30 second ad — which with a $100,000 initial ad buy will run on national cable outlets — features Redge Ranyard, a 91-year-old World War II Navy Veteran who chastises Republicans, and specifically Boehner, over their partisan rhetoric in the shutdown fight and accuses them of not working on behalf of average Americans and veterans.

Veterans have become a key chess piece in the political fight over the shutdown that both parties are hoping to exploit in their favor.

Republicans ranging from Rep. Steve King to Sen. Ted Cruz struck first, seizing on a confrontation between World War II veterans and park police last week at the World War II memorial as a photo opportunity back drop and to cast President Obama as uncaring about national heroes in an effort to push the blame for the shutdown off of themselves and onto Democrats.’s ad is a significant escalation in the shutdown battle over veterans. While last week’s dust up involved Honor Flights, a nonprofit organization that flies veterans into D.C., the ad features a war hero who served in the North African and European theaters directly taking aim at Republicans and blaming them for the shutdown.


How Ted Cruz Orchestrated The Republican Government Shutdown

Tim Dickinson of the Rolling Stone broke it down.

The day before Congress broke for its August recess, on an afternoon when most of official Washington was tying up loose ends and racing to get out of town, Sen. Ted Cruz was setting the stage for the chaos that has consumed the nation’s capital in recent weeks.

The tall Tea Party-backed Texan – the state’s junior senator, with less than a year in office – worked his mischief in a windowless Capitol basement, where dozens of the most radical members of the House had gathered for a meeting of the Republican Study Committee. Once a marginal group known for elevating anti-government dogma above party loyalty, the RSC now counts among its members 174 of the 232 House Republicans.

“Father, we thank you,” says Rep. Michele Bachmann, opening the meeting. “You are the most important presence in this room.” In a pinstriped suit and yellow tie, Cruz sits at the center of a long conference table, flanked by RSC chair Steve Scalise and by the group’s most powerful member, former chair Jim Jordan of Ohio – who has routinely marshaled House rebels into battle against leadership. Jordan flashes the visiting senator a conspiratorial smile.

Soft-spoken but passionate, Cruz derides the work of House leadership, who this same week have scheduled a 40th, futile bill to roll back Obamacare. Instead of “symbolic statements” that “won’t become law,” Cruz says, the time has come to force a real fight – one that Republicans can “actually win.” It’s imperative to act now, Cruz warns, before the full benefits of Obamacare kick in and Americans get “hooked on the sugar, hooked on the subsidies.” His plan: Yoke the defunding of Obamacare to the must-pass budget bill the House will take up in September. The endgame? To force a government shutdown so painful and protracted that Barack Obama would have no choice but to surrender the crown jewel of his presidency. “As scary as a shutdown fight is,” Cruz insists, “if we don’t stand and defund Obamacare now, we never will.”

With those words, Cruz fired the first shot in a civil war that has cleaved Republicans in both chambers of Congress – a struggle that threatens the legitimacy of the Grand Old Party and the stability of the global economy. The fight has little to do with policy, or even ideology. It pits the party’s conservative establishment against an extremist insurgency in a battle over strategy, tactics and, ultimately, control of the party. Each side surveys the other with distrust, even contempt. The establishment believes the insurgents’ tactics are suicidal; the insurgents believe the establishment lacks the courage of its alleged convictions – while its own members are so convinced of their righteousness that they compare themselves to civil rights heroes like Rosa Parks. The establishment is backed by powerful business concerns with a vested interest in a functioning government. The insurgents are championed by wealthy ideologues who simply seek to tear down government. Both sides are steeled by millions in unregulated, untraceable “dark money.”

Having backed the GOP into a shutdown fight that congressional leaders never wanted, the insurgents are winning, and establishment leaders are running scared. America is now careening toward a catastrophic voluntary default on our debt because no one in the Republican Party with the authority to put on the brakes has the guts to apply them, for fear of being toppled from power.

“I’ve never seen anything like it, and neither has anybody else around here,” says the House’s eldest statesman, 87-year-old John Dingell, who has represented Michigan since 1955. “It’s a grave misfortune for the country.”

Louie Gohmert Politics

Republican vs Republican. Louie Gohmert says John McCain supports al Qaeda

Now we don’t know what Louie Gohmert is talking about, half the time no one knows what you doing call martin talking about. But he apparently knows something we don’t know. So in a situation like this the best move for us would be to sit back and watch Louie go Mart and John McCain fight this one out.

Today at the Values Voter Summit, Louis go Mart had this to say.


Ted Cruz Heckled at Republican Watering Hole

Ted Cruz owes Republicans an apology. He lied to them, gave them the dumb idea that he was going to get rid of Obamacare while at the same time, collecting donations from those poor, uninformed Republicans who bought into his money-making scheme.

Cruz also owes the American people an apology. The Canadian-born freshman Senator managed to convince seasoned members of the Republican controlled House to shut on the government.

One would think that this new leader of the Republican party would use this speech at the  Republican watering hole – also called the Values Voter Summit – to issue his apology. But you’d be wrong.

Maybe that explains why he was heckled continuously by about a dozen people. “It seems President Obama’s paid political operatives are out in force today,” Cruz said. “And you know why? The men and women in this room scare the living daylights out of them.”

We can only assume that the men and women in the room Cruz referenced, were the same ones donating to his failed defund Obamacare scheme.

Tid Bits

How The Sun Will Die – And What Happens to The Earth – Video

When sunlike stars run out of fuel, they explode in a series of pulses, throwing off much of their mass in the form of a giant shell of gas called a planetary nebula. What remains of the star is a superdense white dwarf star at the center. The star’s planets, if any, are shattered by the blast. This could be the fate of Earth.

ObamaCare Politics

New Poll – Support for Obamacare Goes Up

The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll is just an endless horror show for Republicans. Obama’s approval is up; Republican Party approval is down; confidence in the economic recovery has plummeted thanks to the budget standoff; and voters blame Republicans for the government shutdown by a margin of 53-31.

Virtually everyone who’s not a hardcore dittohead blames the GOP. What’s more, 73 percent of the public thinks the shutdown is a serious problem and 31 percent have been personally affected.

But none of that is a big surprise. Here’s something that is: After a week of 24/7 media coverage about the problems with the rollout of Obamacare, its popularity has gone up. It’s still not doing gangbusters or anything, but it’s pretty interesting that an awful lot of people who previously had no opinion are now feeling pretty positive about it. Is this because they or someone they know has actually gone on line and discovered that there are pretty good deals available? I don’t know. But something has changed their minds

Military Tid Bits

Next for The Military – Iron Man Suits

The technology in Iron Man is getting a step closer to reality thanks to the United States military. The Army has commissioned a Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, which would provide the wearer with superhuman abilities like night vision, enhanced strength, and protection from gunfire.

Each suit would have an on-board computer that would be able to instantly respond to certain situations and provide the user with enhanced situational awareness. According to the press release, the suit may use liquid armor, currently under development at MIT, which has the ability to transform from a “liquid to solid in milliseconds when a magnetic field or electrical current is applied.” The goal is full-body ballistic protection, theoretically allowing the wearer to literally walk through a stream of bullets. A panel that rests against the skin would be able to detect and respond to the body’s core temperature, skin temperature, heart rate, and hydration levels. The suit would also provide basic life support such as heat, air, and oxygen.

The Army isn’t the first to be inspired by the technology in Iron Man. Elon Musk created a lab based on the movie using a Leap Motion controller, an Oculus Rift, and a projector. While he admits that the setup doesn’t yet have much practical value, he believes that we’re on the cusp on major design and manufacturing breakthroughs. If the new Army commando suit comes to fruition, it could be a big step forward for defense technology.

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