Education Featured News Videos

Video Of 3 Teens Beating 13-Year-Old In Florida Bus Attack Released (VIDEO)

A video of three 15-year-old boys brutally beating and kicking a 13-year-old on July 9 has come to light, as authorities try to determine if the bus driver who refused to physically intervene should be charged with negligence.

This whole situation prompts us to ask an important question – should bus drivers or teachers step in during violent situations such as this?



h/t – globalgrind


Education Health

Super Foods for Strong Bones

1. Milk

Milk is the absolute best food to promote healthy bones. Milk has high levels of calcium, as well as protein. Milk almost always has vitamins D and A added as well, making it a perfect strong-bone food. One cup of milk has about 300mg of calcium.

2. Salmon

Salmon is a kind of fatty fish that contains a wide range of bone-boosting nutrients such as calcium, protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. Both vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids help to increase the absorption of calcium in the body. Regular consumption of salmon helps to improve bone density and bone accumulation. Salmon is also good for your heart. Salmon can be grilled, poached or baked and you can easily incorporate it into a wide variety of healthy dishes.
3. Yogurt

Most people get their vitamin D through exposure to sunlight, but certain foods, like yogurt, are fortified with vitamin D, and also contain a good amount of calcium and experts say that one cup of yogurt daily is enough to fulfill the calcium requirement of the body.

4. Sesame Seeds

For healthy bone structure, you must also regularly eat sesame seeds which are available throughout the year. Sesame seeds have a nutty flavor and contain various nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins K and D. Daily recommendations are to consume at least one-fourth cup of these crunchy seeds, in roasted or dried form. You can also sprinkle some sesame seeds on cooked vegetables, toss them into your favorite salad, and add them to stir-fry vegetables. If you do not like the taste of sesame seeds then you can also try sesame butter. Along with sesame seeds you should also include flaxseed in your diet plan.

5. Sardines

These tiny fish, often found in cans, have surprisingly high levels of both vitamin D and calcium. One tin of sardines contain 351 mg of calcium.

6.Collard Greens

This leafy green vegetable contains a good amount of calcium along with magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K. All these nutrients are essential to bone health. At the same time the anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, and anti-bacterial properties present in collard greens provide a variety of other health benefits also.

7. Eggs

Though eggs only contain 6% of your daily vitamin D, they’re a quick and easy way to get it. Just don’t opt for egg whites only, it may cut calories, but the vitamin D is in the yolk.

8. Spinach

Spinach is another easily available vegetable that is high in calcium content. Along with calcium, spinach also contains a good amount of fiber, iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins A and C. Just one cup of cooked spinach can provide one-fourth of your daily calcium needs. There are different ways to cook this dark green leafy vegetable as it can be grilled, boiled, frozen, canned, or eaten raw, depending upon how you like to eat it. It makes a good addition to salads, sandwiches and appetizers. Along with spinach, you can also try Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli and cauliflower to enjoy better bone health.

9. White Beans

White beans are another super-food for healthy bones. These legumes contain a good amount of calcium, fat-free protein, fiber, and essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. All these nutrients are essential for bone health. Depending on the type of white beans you choose, one cup of cooked beans can provide a good amount of calcium that promotes healthy strong bones. You can include white beans in soups, salads, stews, bean spreads, casseroles, and baked vegetables. More to try to include pinto beans, navy beans and black beans.

10. Fortified cereals
Certain cereals—like Kashi U Black Currants and Walnuts, Total Whole Grain, and Wheaties—contain up to 25% of your daily vitamin D. When you don’t have time to cook salmon or get out in the sun, cereals can be a tasty way to get your vitamin D.


Entertainment Movies Television


Terrence Howard has been accused by his ex-wife of beating her badly during a heated argument in Costa Rica … TMZ has learned.Michelle Ghent — who divorced Terrence in May but hooked up with him again recently … took a trip with Terrence and several of his family members to Costa Rica last week.  Sources say an argument erupted and she claims Terrence beat her up.

Read more: TMZ

Entertainment Television Videos

Oprah Winfrey Says Trayvon Martin & Emmett Till Are The Same (VIDEO)

“I think the Trayvon Martin case is the Emmett Till case. The parallels are striking. It’s so fascinating that 50 years since the march on Washington and the “I Have A Dream Speech…” That Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till are the same thing.”

Check out the entire video below:

Domestic Policies Healthcare News Politics Wisconsin Union Bashing

The State of the Unions

There’s been a lot of talk recently about workers. You know, the people who do the work in this country and who expect to be paid a livable wage while earning a little respect from employers and customers. The problem is that somewhere along the way, the conservative revolution has been glorifying the wealthy while bashing the people who actually create the wealth. I’m not saying anything new, but a spate of reports have caught my eye and I’m going to go out on a limb and say that if present trends continue, we could have another revolution, but this one will be messy.

First up are those pesky fast food workers, you know, the ones who serve the most meals in the country. They are holding one-day walkouts to protest the unlivable minimum wage, $7.25 an hour or about $30,000 per year if full time, that many of them can’t really live on. Add in the lack of health care benfits and you have the fixin’s of a major problem. Since many of the jobs being created these days are not full time, more people are earning a wage that doesn’t support even a minimal existence.

So what to do? In DC, the City Council voted to require Wal-mart to pay its employees at least $12.50 per hour in all of its city stores. Wal-mart was considering building six stores in DC, but now that they actually have to pay a livable wage, they’re threatening not to build three of them. This wage would also apply to other big box stores. Keep in mind that Wal-mart makes billions of dollars a year, as do other retailers such as Home Depot and Target, and they all pay their executives millions of dollars in salaries. But of course, they couldn’t lower some of those high paying jobs just a little bit to cover the hourly workers. That would send the wrong message. Like, we care about our employees.

And it’s not just in the United States. Amazon is currently finding that European governments (those darn socialists!) are pushing back against Amazon’s attitude towards unions and the right to organize. Amazon is going to lose this battle, just as Google lost the privacy battle over its mapping service that also scooped up private information. In Europe, they take privacy and union rights seriously and that’s complicating big American businesses who are used to allies on the right allowing companies to bust unions and pay people very little (while telling workers that they should be happy to just have a job).

I am certainly not advocating fighting in the streets, but over time, as people find it difficult, if not impossible, to earn a living wage, and politicians turn a blind eye to them, then what other recourse will people have? Social media and elections will help, but gerrymandered Congressional districts almost ensure that anti-worker politicians will continue to be reelected. The gap between wealthy and not wealthy in this country is as large as it’s ever been, and that, in part, is why the economy is not growing a robustly as it should. Let’s solve this problem before more people become desperate.

And yes, that’s a warning.

For more, go to and on Twitter @rigrundfest


Hamburgers Grown in a Laboratory

Are you ready for this new “meat?”

A hamburger that looks like one you’d get at any fast-food restaurant comes with a price tag of $330,000 — and it isn’t even made out of natural meat. When volunteers taste it on Monday, in front of rows of VIPs and TV cameras, they’ll be eating the first publicly available burger that comes from a laboratory instead of a dead animal.

To produce the patty, researchers will mix lab-grown beef muscle cells with salt, egg powder and bread crumbs. Beet juice and saffron will be added to give a more natural color to the bloodless burger. It’ll be fried up in a pan, and seasoned with a dash of salt and pepper. With any luck, the burger should taste pretty much like your typical ground beef.

So why bother, when you can buy a burger made with real meat for no more than a couple of bucks?

The high-profile tasting in London is part of a years-long campaign to grow artificial meat without having to raise and kill billions of livestock animals — and as a result, head off a looming food crisis. Even the researchers behind the campaign acknowledge it could take a decade or more to turn lab-grown meat into a commercially viable alternative. But they see the effort as an environmental imperative.

Politics Sarah Palin

Palin, Hannity and Rush Sweeping The Bottom of the Barrel

Maybe Americans are finally waking up to the antics of these Three Stooges.

Palin’s supporters are not coughing up the bucks to her PAC. The queen of Mooseburger, Alaska, has lost her charm, seeming not a bad seed so much as an ignorant and inarticulate one.

Hannity has embarrassed himself by practically drooling over Palin, perhaps because he enjoyed the sound of gray matter bouncing around in her cranium, where there is so much room. But perhaps the most remarkable proof of the pretentious lightweight that he is was the way he went down before Robert Gibbs in their famous 2008 encounter, falling “like sheep” as the Native Americans said about Custer’s troops in the Great Sioux War.

But it is Limbaugh (whose name is always mispronounced as “Lim-bog” by competitor the Rev. Al Sharpton) who may be sinking most swiftly into a bog of disfavor after his bad-boy act helped Mitt Romney and the GOP lose the votes of Republican women to Obama. They were repulsed by his attacks on a 32-year-old woman studying at Georgetown named Sandra Flute, who got on a panel to talk about women’s health issues. Her appearance was not appropriate, said the man willing to imitate a bog filled with mud.

Far from boldly but with plenty of venom, Rush got rolling and called Fluke a slut and a prostitute who wanted to be paid for having sex, since she wanted insurance to cover her birth control. In what analysts call projection, Rush proclaimed that if taxpayers should pay for that then she in turn should put her erotic life on YouTube, to that he and pals could see what they were underwriting.

This cannot and should not be forgotten.

Americans too often appropriate New Testament forgiveness in order to avoid hard facts or repulsive or opportunistic performance personalities.

I always oppose Limbaugh and his ilk because they are ready and willing to say whatever will work to exploit fear and insecurity for profit. If we dismiss their belligerence as “fun,” we help them dismiss those who do not find them “funny” as too uptight.

Bigots always tend to present themselves as good boys just trying to get past the boring with some humor. They want to keep themselves interested, and they do things that are pretty desperate to escape being bored.

Stupidity is not the problem at all. The novelist Milan Kundera points out that it was once thought that stupidity could be easily cured with knowledge; that was wrong. The addiction to influential power based in untruths modernizes itself with everything else. Propaganda has become a popular melodrama, especially when driven by self-pity.

People love to feel victimized, threatened and on the verge of being destroyed.

Limbaugh, Palin and Hannity will slowly go down and away, though they will return in a smaller venue because the public always loves bad movies

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