
Chris Christie – Very Unhappy with Supreme Court’s Ruling on DOMA

Chris Christie is not too happy with the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage.

“I don’t think the ruling was appropriate,” said Christie, who is running for reelection in a blue state, one in which Democrats have hailed the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage.
“I think it was wrong,” Christie continued, calling it “typical of the problem we see” in New Jersey’s own Supreme Court.

He blasted the U.S. Supremes for substituting “their own judgment for the judgment of a Republican Congress and a Democratic President. In the Republican Congress in the ‘90s and Bill Clinton. I thought that Justice Kennedy’s opinion was, in many respects, incredibly insulting to those people, 340-some members of Congress who voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, and Bill Clinton.”

“He basically said that the only reason to pass that bill was to demean people. That’s heck of a thing to say about Bill Clinton and about the Republican Congress back in the ‘90s. And it’s just another example of judicial supremacy, rather than having the government run by the people we actually vote for,” said Christie, who recently appeared with Clinton at a Clinton Global Initiative conference.

Clinton himself has walked away from the signing of DOMA, and in a statement said he was pleased with the court’s ruling.

Christie is polling as a top prospect for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, and a number of evangelical leaders made clear after the SCOTUS ruling that the base of the party will remain opposed to same-sex marriage.

Yet, Christie is running in an overwhelmingly Democratic state, and wooing Democrats has been a huge part of a strategy aimed at driving up his margin of victory, should he win over rival Barbara Buono.

marriage Relationships

Pretty Girls Get Flings, Ugly Girls Get Rings

Branden Lee is a blogger, screenwriter, producer, and actor, currently residing in Boston, MA. Follow Branden on Twitter and Tumblr.

The Jamaica Observer has revealed that a study has shown that men would rather choose an unattractive woman for a long term serious relationship, and would rather have a beautiful woman for a short term fling.

“Feminine Looking” women, who possessed attributes such as a small jawbone and full cheeks, were considered most desirable to men. Due to their high level of estrogen which is credited for their womanly features.

Whereas women with the opposing features were considered more “masculine looking”.

Hundreds of heterosexual men were surveyed.

The men were shown many photos of European and Japanese women, both “feminine” and “masculine” looking.

The guys had to select whether they viewed each woman as more likely a short-term partner for a “fling”, or saw them more as  “long term” relationship material.

“Feminine looking” women were deemed most desirable for a short term affair, especially by the surveyed men that were in relationships.

But the more “masculine looking” women were rated highest for long term partners for marriage and raising children.

As perplexing as these results are, previous research has allegedly been done stating that attractive women are more likely to cheat, especially when their husband isn’t that attractive.

So basically most men are distrustful of pretty girls.

This study really resonates with me.

I’m constantly told how gorgeous and beautiful I am, and whenever I tell someone that I’ve never had a boyfriend the same exchange always happens.

They always act astounded and shocked, like it’s so inexplicable that I could have never had a boyfriend despite being so undeniably attractive.

The worst is when they ask “Are guys blind?” because no man I’ve never met has never wanted to date me.

First of all, my problem isn’t attracting men, since I have absolutely no problem doing that.

My problem is that the men that I do attract only see me as a fling, and not as a serious relationship partner.

I also attract a lot of guys in relationships, and like this study showed, guys in relationships really like beautiful partners to cheat on their girlfriends/wives with.

The problem isn’t that beautiful people can’t be trusted, it’s that we live in a society that places beauty as the absolute thing to be coveted, but not to be taken seriously.

Beautiful people should be worshipped, envied, desired, but shouldn’t be thought of as actual people with feelings, thoughts, hopes, and dreams, and should not be respected.

Being beautiful has never done me any favors in terms of attracting a mate, since I’ve perpetually been single my entire life.

 Granted I’m only 22 and still holding out hope that I’ll find a guy that does want to date me, and sees me as more than a sex object.

But clearly being gorgeous is both a gift and a curse.

Guys may always want you, but not for the long-term.

Because beautiful people somehow don’t deserved to be loved.

Entertainment Television

End of Season Report – Mad Men, Season 6

Andrew Weber blogs about TV at  The Drug of the Nation. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.

Two statements to start off this report on the just finished sixth season of Mad Men: First, this was probably the weakest season of Mad Men yet. Second, even at its weakest, Mad Men is more interesting and provides more food for thought than almost any other show on television.

There’s one major reason for this season’s overall weakness: Don Draper. I’ve further broken down the problems with Don into two related issues. First, it too often feels like we’re revisiting old ground with Don Draper. This is never more clear than through the flashbacks we see this season to his childhood. These flashbacks are both way too on the nose regarding how Don sees woman, especially in the context in which they’re shown, and they don’t really reveal insight that we don’t already know. Don seems to be repeating behavior and storylines from the past several times during the season, falling back into the same cheating patterns, being needlessly mean to Peggy, and just making everybody’s life difficult in ways similar to what he’s done before.

Secondly, Don’s the worst. Don was never a great guy, and from the first episode in which we’re introduced to him, he’s stepping out on his wife, a pattern he repeats through two marriages. Still, while Don was no hero, there was still an essential humanity deep down that we could relate to and understand, even if not feel sorry for or sympathize with. Even when he was wrong, which was often, he felt, and he tried, or at least tried to try, and at work he was often the good guy even when he wasn’t at home.

None of these are any longer the case. It’s as if Matt Weiner set out this season with the goal of destroying every shred of humanity within Don and turning him into a full fledged monster, which is what Peggy calls him late in the season when he attempts to both sabotage a meeting for Ted and take credit away from Peggy in one fell swoop. He not only cheats on his new wife, but he’s also incredibly degrading to the woman he cheats with. Oh, and it happens, to add insult to injury, that she’s his neighbor, and her husband is one of the only men Don seems to genuinely like in the entirety of Mad Men. He makes constant trouble for the firm after the merger, seemingly going out of his way to frustrate Ted and belittle Peggy. The coup de grace may have been when his daughter catches him in flagrante with the neighbor, destroying what respect she had left for her dad.

There’s even more emphasis on what a drunk Don has become this season than in previous years. While he’s always been a serious drinker evolving into a borderline alcoholic, he’s clearly a full-fledged alcoholic here and sober in very few scenes over the course of the season ( (maybe more than borderline, I’m no expert at the diagnosis, but there’s never been as much emphasis on the destructive power of drink to his life). In the final episode, he seems to at least care about trying to give up booze, throwing out his bottles and not drinking at work, and even though he’s suspended by his partners, this could be the first step in a powerful redemption story. I’m not sure it’s a redemption story I want to see though. Don’s come so far, and we’ve come so far with him that I’m not sure I want to see Don redeemed at this point. Maybe I’m not giving enough credit to the plight of alcoholism, a very serious disease, and I apologize if I’m not, but his actions have seemed deplorable whether or not he was drinking. It would be great if he cleaned himself up for his character within the show, but I’m not convinced he’ll ever be a person I want to root for again.

If anyone came out worse than Don this season, it was Pete. Pete, who may have gotten the second most screen time this year after Don, has always been the anti-Don in a way. Don breaks all the rules, but, until this season, it didn’t matter, because Don always gets the breaks. He screws up big time, but makes up for it somehow by pulling a big pitch out of his ass or seducing the next woman to come along with sweet talk after he fails the previous one. Don finally does get his comeuppance here, but while it’s hard to feel sympathy for him, it’s hard to not feel at least somewhat sympathetic for Pete. Pete was the primary antagonist in the show’s early seasons but now that everything goes wrong for him anyway, it’s hard to continue to root against him. He wants to get away merely with part of what Don does effortlessly, but it never works. While Don gets away with cheating for years, Pete’s caught out in his first foray in his new apartment in the city. He think he solves an awkward situation in which he catches his father-in-law in a whorehouse, but the joke’s on him when his father-and-law would rather spill the beans on Pete’s infidelity, even if he knows that the same damning evidence will be visited on him. There was no greater physical symbolism for Pete’s stumbles than his quite literal stumble down the stairs midway through the season. It’s not that Pete doesn’t deserve a lot of what he’s getting, but it’s hard to feel like even he deserves all this misfortune in such a short period of time.

Mad Men struggled to reckon with the almost mythic historical importance of 1968, a year with multiple assassinations, infamous riots, and the election of Nixon, which symbolically ended the decade in many ways. There were occasionally powerful historical scenes, including after Robert Kennedy’s assassination, but too often I thought the efforts to have the characters react to the specific events of the time fell flat. This, as has been noted in many blogs and media outlets, has been particularly true in regards to race. My biggest problem isn’t Mad Men’s failure to deal adequately with the race-related issues that pervaded the ‘60s, although the show certainly has been largely unsuccessful. My problem is that they make a half-assed effort. I’d rather the show largely ignore race than attempt to put a couple of toes in the water only to take them right back out when the water’s too cold. Mad Men introduced a black character Dawn, only to basically never use her.

Even for its faults, there’s plenty to enjoy in the new season. Peggy, Don’s one time protégé, may be well on her way to surpassing the master, and her rise is cataloged wonderfully, even with the surreal stabbing of her now ex-boyfriend Abe. Joan and Roger shine in every scene they get; one only wishes they could get more screen time. Joan’s turning what she thought was a date into a recruitment dinner with a potential client was a great step in her evolution as a businesswoman.

There were a handful of new characters this season. The shady Bob Benson, who generated more conspiracy theories than any other new Mad Men character, turned out so far to be a doppelganger of Don’s; a man without a past who has invented a future for himself. He’s helped out several people as part of his eager beaver please anyone he meets routine, but we’ve started to see a dark side when he sets up Pete for failure at Chevy.

Ted existed before this season but never as this meaty a character, and his contrast and competition with Don was one of the most enjoyable plots of the season. Ted has his weaknesses, which are on clear display in the last episode when he jerks Peggy around romantically. Still, the inclusion of Ted makes us realize just how unusual, and not in a good way, Don is. Being a creative isn’t an excuse for his treatment of his employees and his management strategy. Also, the scene of Ted flying Don in his tiny plane was a season-long highlight. Ted’s longtime partner Jim Cutler was a welcome minor character as well this season, adding notes of humor to a show that can easily be dragged down by Don’s (and Pete’s) unrelenting self-seriousness.

I look forward to a complete rewatch at some point where I can see if the material comes together better in a shorter period of time. As I said before, it’s still Mad Men. There’s so much to chew on, and the fact that there is, even if it doesn’t always work, makes Mad Men clear appointment viewing. Still, I hope the next and last season pulls together a little bit better.


10 Anti-Asthma Foods

#1: Avocado

This buttery and exquisite fruit is one of the prime source of glutathione, which has been shown to protect cells against free radical damage and to detoxify foreign substances such as pollutants.

Avocados are also a good source of vitamin E, particularly helpful for people whose asthma is linked to a nut allergy (nuts are one of the most common sources of vitamin E)

#2: Broccoli Sprouts

These miniature cabbages share many of the benefits of their larger cousins, they are a true nutritional treasure and a great addition to your diet if you suffer from asthma. Broccoli sprouts can increase the antioxidant compounds that control the airway inflammation associated with bronchial asthma.

#3: Apples

This crunchy, juicy, fiber-rich snack also possesses some extraordinary properties that may provide protection against asthma. They are also high in concentration of bioflavonoids, such as quercetin. Quercetin is known to possess strong anti-histamine, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties reducing the chance of suffering from wheezing by 50%.

#4: Rosemary

The antioxidant power of rosmarinic acid is believed to be even stronger than that of vitamin E. In addition, rosmarinic acid encourages cells to create prostacyclins, which help keep the air passages of the lungs open and thus promote easy breathing.

#5: Ginger

Ginger’s asthma fighting properties are thought to be attributed to gingerols, strong anti-inflammatory substances that give ginger its distinctive flavor.

#6: Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are brimming with anti-asthma nutrients, as these mild nutty tasting seeds are loaded with vitamin E, potassium, and magnesium.

#7: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of the foods that are least likely to cause allergic reactions, which is great news since asthma is often linked to allergies. They also contain plenty of vitamin C and potassium as well as unique root proteins which, according to preliminary studies, may have significant antioxidant properties.

#8: Turmeric

Turmeric possesses strong anti-inflammatory properties.

#9: Kale

Kale is a great source of vitamin C, it is also one of the most concentrated dietary sources of beta-carotene, which can help with allergens.

#10: Mustard Greens

One of the best sources of beta-carotene, chock-full of antioxidants and nutrients, mustard greens can make an excellent addition to your diet if you are susceptible to asthma attacks.

They also provide a good amount of vitamins C and E, which can remove free radicals that cause smooth muscle contraction and airway constriction in people with asthma.


Domestic Policies News Politics

The Complicated Court

I think we were all warned that the final week of the Supreme Court term would turn us all into hypocrites, and it certainly delivered on that promise. The conservatives had to like the Voting Rights Act case decision and liberals had to like DOMA, and both sides had something to like and dislike about the Affirmative Action and the California Proposition 8 results.

In the end, none of these decisions should have been surprising. The liberal era that reached its height in the late 1960s has been declining for years and the court has done its best lately to rein in what the right sees as its excesses, especially when it comes to government power. They’ve also set back abortion rights, the rights of the accused, and have ruled fairly consistently for the rights of religious organizations to participate in the public square. To think that any of these issues is sacrosanct would be foolish, but to also think that the court’s decisions mean an end to liberal programs would likewise be incorrect.

But the conservatives have also done wonders for the gay rights movement. Not only did they finally strike down anti-sodomy laws, but yesterday’s marriage equality ruling is a huge step forward for the recognition that homosexuals must be treated with respect under the law. I know that many African-Americans don’t like the comparison between the Civil Rights Movement and today’s gay issues, but on a human scale they are exactly the same. It’s important that every citizen be welcome and be able to feel relaxed in our society. If you’re straight, the world generally works for you. If you’re gay, some parts of it don’t. Being a member of the majority or the power structure bestows on people a sense that they have control over their destiny. Everyone deserves to feel this way.

I’m looking forward to the day when people are simply married; not same-sex married or married with equality, but just…married. That’s the beauty of the court’s ruling. I also look forward to the day when all people have access to higher education and the vote. We need to work to make these happen, but I have confidence that we will.

For more, go to and on Twitter @rigrundfest



Boston Bombing Suspect Has Been Indicted by Federal Grand Jury

Surviving Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been indicted by federal grand jury, charged with using weapons of mass destruction and killing 4 individuals among 30 counts of charges.

Entertainment paula deen racist Television

Paula Deen Used Gay Slurs & The ‘N’ Word ‘All The Time’ says an Another Ex-Employee

Fighting for her financial life, Paula Deen tearfully told the TODAYshow on Wednesday that she has used the ‘n’ word only once – but a former employee has come forward claiming she used it all the time and also made slurs against gay people!

Mincey McDonald, a waitress at Deen’s restaurant Lady & Sons from 1998 – 2003, told the National Enquirer, that the ‘n’ word “was Paula’s favorite word – she used it all the time. I’ve heard Paula specifically say that she did not want any n*****s working in front of the house as hostesses, waiters or bussers.”

McDonald’s comments are in the new issue of the Enquirer and she adds that Deen called gay people fa**ots.

The Enquirer says McDonald passed a polygraph test on her allegations against Deen.

h/t – radar

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