Mitt Romney Politics

Tagg’s Not Playing – He’s Not It

Okay, so over the last few days, Republicans have craved for more of the Romney juice. They just can’t get enough and have pushed another Romney to run for Senate. Yesterday, we told you that Tagg was it. But according to this email to ABC by the son of the infamous Mitt, Tagg said he’s not playing.

“I have been humbled by the outreach I received this weekend encouraging me to become a candidate for the US Senate,” but the timing just doesn’t work, Romney said.

“I love my home state and admit it would be an honor to represent the citizens of our great Commonwealth,” Romney said. “However, I am currently committed to my business and to spending as much time as I can with my wife and children. The timing is not right for me.”

The Boston Herald reported Monday morning that the eldest son of Mitt and Ann Romney is considering a run in the special Senate election in Massachusetts now that former senator Scott Brown decided against a run last week.

But, two sources close to both Tagg and his father Mitt told ABC News earlier Monday it’s not going to happen. One consideration for Tagg Romney may be that his father lost the Bay State in last year’s presidential election by 23 points.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

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