
Would You Buy A Used Car From This Party?

In February, I sounded the warning. Twice. But, evidently, there are still people out there who either haven’t heard the news or don’t want to believe it.

The Republican Party is headed for a terrible crash that will weaken its influence and lead to a reassessment of its platform and direction. We’re already seeing the evidence, from Mitt Romney‘s comments on the 47% and his contention that Palestinians don’t want peace, to Todd Akin’s ignorant rant about rape victims and all of the other far right conspiracy theories about Obama being a Muslim, a socialist and unqualified to be president because he’s not a citizen. These ideas have not gone away, nor have they been submerged for the good of the Romney/Ryan ticket.

Now the GOP is running a campaign that says that they have the solutions to our nation’s problems. But why should we trust them? They’ve been wrong on every major issue over the past four years.

Consider the following Republican pronouncements:

Stimulus will cause inflation.

The Supreme Court will find the health care law unconstitutional.

Cutting taxes for the wealthy will result in economic expansion.

The polls are wrong.
Really wrong.
Democrats do not win elections we say they won’t win.
Why aren’t you listening to us?

Isn’t it amusing that the party of anti-science would be so concerned about the science of polling?

Now comes word that the party of morality is considering jumping back in to the Akin Senate campaign in Missouri. Does their hypocrisy know no bounds? No wonder Obama’s polling bounce is due mostly to support from women.

This is a political party without defining principles other than irrational celebration of the individual at the expense of the community and a misplaced sense of right and wrong. It can’t end well, and it won’t.

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Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney Makes An Ad In Favor Of President Obama’s Re-Election – Ad

Not much to say about this ad because Mitt Romney does all the talking.

Who knew that when Mitt Romney gathered some of his rich friends for a private fundraiser and decided to crucify half of America by calling them lazy good-for-nothing bums… who knew he’ll be making an ad for the President’s re-election campaign.

Mitt Romney Politics

Mitt Romney – Bain Was Formed To “Harvest” Companies For Potential Profit

Another gem from Mother Jones:

In the clip below, Mitt Romney is describing the real reason for Bain. Not to act as a job creator like Romney often says, but to invest in other companies with the hopes that in five to eight years, Bain could “harvest” to make a profit.

I’ll let Romney explain in his own words:

Bain Capital is an investment partnership which was formed to invest in startup companies and ongoing companies, then to take an active hand in managing them and hopefully, five to eight years later, to harvest them at a significant profit…

Yes, we all know the real reason anyone goes into business is to make a profit. But if you listen to Mitt Romney on the campaign trail, he will have you believe that Bain existed for the sole purpose of creating jobs. Romney is often heard saying, “I know how to create jobs. I’ve done it before,” and he attacks the president, falsely stating that Mr. Obama’s policies “destroys jobs.”

We’ve seen ads from the Obama reelection team detailing companies that went bankrupt after they were bought by Bain, while Romney and his investors walked away with huge profits. Romney’s campaign usually respond by saying that Bain created more jobs than were lost. His campaign also points to Staples as their success story. But hearing Romney’s mission statement in the video, it seems that Staples’ success was in spite of Bain’s intervention, not because of it.

Here’s the video, filmed in 1985.


Samuel Jackson Rhymes: Wake The F*ck Up. Vote For Obama – Video

The video below is sponsored by the Jewish Council on Education and Research Super PAC. It stars Samuel Jackson and his co-star, “little Suzie.” In the vocal tradition of his audio book for children, “Go the F*ck To Sleep,” Jackson begins the piece;

“In the silvery moonlight that bathed every town,

the people lie dreaming so safe and so sound.

They’re warm in their beds, snuggled up in their sheets,

But four years before, they were out in the streets.

Now, it’s as if they don’t know what’s at stake,

All except one girl, wide-eyed and awake.”

“Little Suzie is to worried to sleep,

She can’t figure out why her family is so placid.

It’s like they don’t know that Romney and his veep,

Will remake the country in ways that are drastic.

She read his platform and it scared he to death,

She’s got to do something, while there’s still time left.”


Mitt Romney – Polls? What Polls? “I’m Going to Win Ohio!” You Can LOL Now.

If the polls show that the people are voting for President Obama, then how exactly can Mitt Romney win? Maybe he’s given up on getting the people’s vote, and is banking on the votes from the corporations. After all, he did say, “corporations are people my friend.” Are there enough corporations to outnumber the votes of the people? Mitt Romney apparently thinks so.

“I’m going to win Ohio. I’m going to become the next president, in part because I’m going to have the support of people in Ohio,” Romney told NBC News on Wednesday.

A New York Times poll released Wednesday showed President Obama leading his Republican challenger 53-43 percent, but Romney i

“Actually the national polls, Rasmussen and Gallup, have it a tied race,” Romney said. “States have numbers that are better or worse than others.”

While conservative-leaning Rasmussen does show the race deadlocked nationally at 46-46 percent, Gallup’s tracking poll released Wednesday showed the president with a six-point advantage.

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