Barack Obama Donald Trump Politics Sarah Palin

The Facts About Vacations. Barack Obama vs George Bush

The big controversy now is that Republicans are trying to hammer the President on is his vacations. President Obama and his family decided to take a 10-day vacation in Martha’s Vinyard, but Fox News, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and the rest of the Republican presidential field have read their talking-points and are zeroing in on the President’s family time as “inappropriate.”

Here are some of the lies from Donald Trump;

The fact is, he takes more vacations than any other human being I’ve ever seen. They used to complain about George Bush, but I understand he’s already exceed George Bush and we’re not even through the year, so he likes vacations.

But take a look at the video below. It shows the difference between the vacation time of the last few presidents and the hypocritical nature of this Republican argument.

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By Ezra Grant

I'm just tired of the lies and nonsense coming from the GOP, so this is my little contribution to combat the nonsense!

117 replies on “The Facts About Vacations. Barack Obama vs George Bush”

Barack goes to rented homes in Hawaii and Matha’s vinyard taking over 1000 people at taxpayer expense.
Total LIE…

Bush driving them around in his pickup truck for Obama.

the Democratic Party is the party of the mega-corporations

Obviously statistics elude you.

What an asshole…

Let’s face it if you are a Democrat it’s because you are either uninformed, not very bright, or have never really contributed to society in any tangible way. Some have observed that you must be mentally ill to be a Democrat, and have dealt with them for over 60 years, I’d have to agree. There is something simply wrong with their brains.

That’s a really stupid premise. Sure they went to the emergency room when they were really ill, put up with the long lines and got triage care. Now they walk in the front door and expect the same care as paying customers. Although the per visit cost of emergency care is higher, general care is much longer and actually much more expensive. The emergency room argument was disproven long ago.

Look, its pretty simple. Insurance companies work by SELLING insurance to a large group of people, setting their rates at a number higher than what they expect to incure in costs. Then they can make a profit. If they guess wrong they lose money, which is why they do so many studies and work to control costs, negotiate deals with doctors, hmo’s etc….

If you add a lot of people to the cost side, but no additional “payers” they become financially insolvent. Its as simple as that.

Obamacare was supposed to provide “insurance” to the huge black population that can’t afford insurance by giving them benefits that they didn’t have to pay for – because they could not affort the premiums as they were mostly on welfare anyway. The idea was to get young white people to pay premiums for coverage they typically didn’t carry to offset the costs.

The problem was the numbers for Obamacare were old, and the models defective. Abortion has lowered the number of young white people to pay for the inclusion of the welfare crowd, and the system collapsed under the load. To fix the system low cost coverage provided in some plans was cancelled, and costs for everyone went up. To deal with the reaction of the people they opened the borders to let more people in who would add to the “payers” (eventually), offsetting the effects of white abortions.

It’s not that hard to figure out, if you know how insurance companies oprerate. By denigrating insurance companies for trying to make a profit Barry Soetoro and his Democrats destroyed the engine that was keeping medical costs under control, and the system has exploded.

Not really Paul. The Democrats are the hidden political arm of the multi-nationals, while the Republicans represents America’s small business community. Sometimes their agendas are in sync but often they conflict. Both sides often ignore their oath to defend the Constitution – and that’s what we should hold them accountable for. The idea that the Democrats represent the little people is such a farce that only really dumb people would believe it – but there are lots of those around.

Well I admit Fox News does its share of support for the worlds multinationals because they are in fact one of them run by elites who have interest other than giving you the actual news. But CNN and MSNBC are much worse!

No, he inflated the dollar so much that the numbers changed, which is why other countries are moving away from the dollar. The fact is when you inflate the world’s standard currency for international trade, you are robbing the people of every country of assets they keep in reserve for international trade – even the poorest ones where people work for almost nothing. Barry Soetoro and Hillery have stolen billions from the poorest nations to support their political agenda. We should be, and are in fact (at least those of us who understand world banking and reserve currency topics) quite ashamed.

But your number is wrong anyway. Check it out. Barry’s debt during this first term was greater than ALL other presidents combined. He did impact foreign trade – but it was done by selling expensive weapons to Muslims – and in case you don’t know how that system works, on one hand we show the income and reduced deficity – but in fact we loan them the money to buy the weapons with taxpayer funds. So the net effect is that taxpayers buy the weapons by inflating our own currency.

Its a great game the Democrats have created on behalf of the multinational financial agenda and it fools most uninformed citizens – like you.

He’s just another low information Democrat. Take a look at the War Powers act, and if Congress has to be involved, are you saying the attacks by Hillary and Barry on Lybia were illegal? The list of military actions by Democrats that were/are illegal is long. They often have to use military force because their logic and argument and diplomacy are so defective they usually fail. Do you think Obama bowing down to the Arab Sheiks was a positive jesture? Imagine any president except Barry Soetoro bowing so low his ass was in the air like a common whore. Go look at the video.

Except in Benghazi we have video which is hard to refute. Sure there were attacks under Carter, Reagain, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama. But the incompetence and idiocy belongs to Hillary and Barry Soetoro. We had marines available to send in to help but they were ordered to Stand Down. That has NEVER happened before – until we got our Muslim president. In combat there has always been a protocol for helping American’s being overpowered. In Vietnam it was “Broken Arrow”, which called in all available combat aircraft to join the battle. A single F-16 flying by the embassy at low altitude a Mach 2 would have ended the attack. Hillery and Barry intervened. Those planes were MINUTES away from Benghazi. Combat troops could have been there in less than 30 minutes. This is what our guys train for. American’s don’t let Americans get over run by superior forces, which is why the nearby CIA operatives came to the embassy to intervene, and fought till they died. You discredit America, its traditions, and it’s military honor. You are obviously a Democrat.

Here’s the problem with your article – which is obviously a lie. You are counting vacation days and forgetting missing playtime. Barry Soetoro has played 800 hours of golf. You can’t play 800 hours of golf in 70 days unless you play over 10 hours per day. Those facts come from credible sources and are in the news right now.

When Bush went “on vacation” he went to the Texas “mini Whitehouse” set up at his ranch in Texas – where he often entertained and met with world leaders – like Putin. Do you remember the pictures of Bush driving them around in his pickup truck with a cowboy hat on? Barack goes to rented homes in Hawaii and Matha’s vinyard taking over 1000 people at taxpayer expense.

So stop telling lies yourself.

If you haven’t figured it out, the Democratic Party is the party of the mega-corporations – including all of the big oil companies. Their job is to lie to the little people like you – low information voters – to obtain political power for the mega corporations. That is why oil prices are suddenly dropping like a rock. They fear they are about to lose the political power of the Senate. The mega corps pay the Democrats to lie and make promises they will never keep and then denigrate the small businesses-men (Republicans) for refusing to pay.

Then they denigrate “Congress” to confuse people like you – when in fact they control the Senate – the most powerful HALF of Congress, and have for the last 6 years.

If you want to complain or make technical comparisons, get your facts right and stop being a water boy for the multinationals. If you need more evidence – why do you think “Anonymouse” is attacking the big banks? The fact is that Barry Soetoro has given trillions to them since he got in office, and everyone except you seems to know it. The freedom fighters in the U.S. and abroad are attempting to take them on.

Why do you suppose the billionaires support Democrats? Its becuase they own the multinationals and they want to keep their investments safe – by keeping the new small businesses from ever becoming big enough to compete. Since most people are employed by small businesses, their success causes unemployment. Figure it out guy, and stop hurting the very people you think you are helping by supporting Democrats – the party of dishonesty, deception, and fraud.

David James Potts However, states that "Claims of a huge disparity are untrue. Actually, an apples-to-apples comparison shows that the two inaugurations likely cost about the same."[5] In a column for[6], Eric Boehlert explains that the $44 million figure cited for the Bush inauguration did not include the federal government's spending on security for the event. The New York Times notes that, "In 2005, Mr. Bush raised $42.3 million from about 15,000 donors for festivities; the federal government and the District of Columbia spent a combined $115.5 million, most of it for security, the swearing-in ceremony, cleanup and for a holiday for federal workers."[7] According to Boehlert, the combined total of Bush's 2005 inauguration was $157 million, a cost similar to that projected for Obama's inauguration.
**And this from Conservapedia (the conservative's version of Wikipedia)

Kathy Ward..yes the diplomat killed thirty years prior happened under Reagan's watch..In 1983, a suicide bomber attack our embassy in Beirut, Lebanon with sixty killed. Incredibly, six months later another suicide attack in the same city. This time on our Marine barracks with 240 of our troops killed and many others injured. Under G.W. Bush's watch over a dozen attacks occurred on our embassies etc on foreign soil. The number of Congressional hearings…NONE
The worst attack by far on our soil was the attack on the Twin Towers and our national security building, the Pentagon with thousands killed. After months of urging by the Democrats in Congress an investigative report was conducted…The findings…that Clinton and G.W. Bush were not served well by the CIA and the FBI. Can one imagine President Obama handed this excuse? Anyone that brings up Benghazi has to be the most brainwashed of any person and a consummate Fox news viewer.

Ouch some of these posts have one wrong piece of info after another.Bush ignored the inspectors who proved there were no WMDs and invaded anyway.The CIA BS is a Bill O'Reilly talking point.And hois administration refused to listen to Richard Clarke, the FBI, the CIA and Hart-Rudmann asnd completely ignored AQ as our enemy.In fact they had one meeting on terrorism Sept 4.They turned down a CI request to kill OBL (Rice "Not interested") and frustrated every agency that was concerned with terrorism.They did nothing and then lied to go to Iraq.The joke is that some of you are so misinformed you don't know any better than to believe bS talking points from Faux news and such.

Kathy Ward …and just how did the Middle East end up in the shape it's in..? The Republicans dither with meaningless minutia, while the Democrats go about their business consolidating power, and feeding the gullible their vision of utopia, while those amongst the population with any capacity for abstract thought realizes they (Dems and Reps) are the same reptilian breed…

What needs to be compared is what it "Cost" for these "vacations:. Bush set up Crawford Texas so he could conduct the Nations' business there….and as such, it was secure, remote and not in any way to be compared with the entourage, the inconvenience to locals, the cost of Air Force One and US Assets to be on site in these remote locations, secure the perimeters, travel there, etc, etc, etc…..the Cost is about $20 million to $1.4 billion. Get real. And as for the "time" with all due respect; Pres Obama doesn't even show for press briefings, Intel briefings and we have the Middle East in flames and the first Ambassador murdered abroad in 30 years. Wake up America, reality is calling. NO COMPARISON.

the beauty of all of this is the dems cant blame bush for what the ideals of your party will do to america in the next 4 years….its in your hands…win or lose this country….its up to you……you will see the error of your party principles and there will be no mistake….you did it

Debbi Harding so who pays the tab for those services? Staff has to be paid, the building has to be operated, equipment purchased, supplies purchased, training, etc. Who pays for this "free" insurance. Just curious? Over half the income earners in the US pay no income tax of any kind and the top 10% of the earners pay over 90% of the tax bill. Where you gonna get all the free money now?

Regardless of the Florida outcome, if Gore would have carried his home state of Tennessee, he would have won the election, but his home state rejected him. IF Bill Clinton would have carried Arkansas for Gore, Gore would have won the election, but Clinton's home state rejected him and Gore lost.

Gore lost the election all by himself. Also consider that the Florida legal action was initiated by Al Gore's team due to voting issues in a Democrat stronghold.

Bush squandered a surplus and ruined our relations with the Middle East. He also stole the first election if not the second and people were predicting the recession while he was in office. Halliburton makes money off of the wars in the Middle East and Dick Cheney was and may still be one of the people running it. Yes, some people do like war because they know how to avoid it while profiting off of the deaths of the people they send to pave the way for new markets.

When does the statute of limitations on blaming Bush for everything this side of the Johnstown flood expire? C'mon, folks, the Big O has been in office three and a half years and all he has accomplished is adding someone else's medical bills to mine.

Admittedly a billion was an exaggeration. The Obama's claim they make 8 million a year, and just their Hawaiian vacation was over 4 million, the Spain vacation Michelle took with her friends was nearly a million. Can you give up 60% of your pay for a couple of vacations, and then take several more? They wouldn't have paid for them they couldn't afford it. And I pointed out the other thing to show how hypocritical, dishonest, and out of touch this president is. He had no concept or caring about this money or what he is doing to everyone. He condones his actions on the defecit, and Bush made some poor decisions after 9/11 and hr is unpatriotic. I may not have been better off after Bush's presidency, but I wasn't worse off and neither wad the country. After Obama so far? Higher unemployment than he said would have been if he had done nothing. A deficit larger than he said there would be by a mile. And a healthcare system he had to vIolate the constitution, the one he swore to uphold, to pass through and is horrific for the people and the economy. There is not one positive from this presidency

First off, Obama cancelled the Marthas Vineyard. And second, they would have paid for the vacation out of pocket. The only thing the tax payers would have paid for is for security but they get that no matter where they go. If they had gone to camp David, the tax payers would have paid for everything. And all presidents claimed they "work" while on vacation. But if you try and say that Bush said that and it was true but Obama said that and it was false then you are biased and hypocritical. And there were plenty of times Laura Bush went on vacations without W. And you are insane if you really think that Obama spent over 1 BILLION on vacations!

Obama's wife spent more than that flying herself to Marthas Vineyard once because she didn't want to wait til the next day when the liar in chief was going. Well in fairness some of that was to fly the dog down on its own plane with security. Oflopa has spent over a billion in numerous vacations and you think bringing up 20 million to fly down on working vacations that didn't cost us hundreds of thousands in rentals is a good point? You should bring up Bush raised the deficit $4trillion over 8 years…but then I would bring up Oflopa called that unpatriotic and then raised the deficit by $6trillion in 4 years. Does that make him super unpatriotic by his own standards?

Dave, your reference is BOGUS. About Pres. Obama's Inaugural, It says, quote, "….he could spend as much as $150 million." Not that $150 million was actually spent.
However, buried in a recent New York Times article published one week before the controversy erupted over the cost of Obama's inauguration, the newspaper reported that in 2005, for Pres. Bush's Inaugural, "the federal government and the District of Columbia spent a combined $115.5 million, most of it for security, the swearing-in ceremony, cleanup and for a holiday for federal workers" [emphasis added].

You read that correctly. The federal government spent $115 million dollars for the 2005 inauguration. Keep in mind, that $115 million price tag was separate from the money Bush backers bundled to put on the inauguration festivities. For that, they raised $42 million. So the bottom line for Bush's 2005 inauguration, including the cost of security? That's right, $157 million.

@Ebony – Stop making up stories and stop watching Fox? Well I guess we have to watch something since Dan Rather is no longer around CBS after he/they made up stories….regarding lowering IQ and making one stupid, that is a pretty broad brush approach – which can't be backed up, but if it made you feel better, or superior taking a jab. It tells a lot more about you than people who consider the other sources for news.

It is interesting to me that people knock FOX news so much, but rarely if ever post the basis for their complaint other than FOX reports stories the others won't. Like the recent huge show of support for "Chic Fil A" and the right for free speech which was hardly mentioned by the liberal media. But that is another topic, over done on other blogs.

Good night all. America can only continue to be great when the divisiveness stops.

yep "George Bush was seldom on the job in Washington. He was elected to be president, not sitting around snorting cocaine in Texas." So where in the world did this odd comment come from? . I guess the interest I have in this story was wanting to see what actually constituted vacation. It might explain the disparity in numbers. I mean is a golf outing by Obama a vacation or a working lunch? Were the trips to the ranch work or cocaine snorting junkets – as you would portray.

By the way, your avatar is pretty offensive, but you are entitled to pitch your antagonism if you choose. Thanks for doing your part to bring Americans together.

David, we all saw the videos. He was in Crawford to kiss and hug, walk hand-in-hand with the Saudi king, but Laura and the Twins wer globe-trotting to the French Rivera, Paris, London, Sao Paulo, junkets to Africa, Canada. They had several dozen shopping trips costing tax payers tens of millions of dollars. The Twins also had separte vacations each month without parents, and Laura also soloed a great deal not wanting George to be around.
George Bush was seldom on the job in Washington. He was elected to be president, not sitting around snorting cocaine in Texas.

I would like to see the detsinations. I recall that most of the time labeled as vacation for Bush were working vacations with staffers at the Ranch. Not large entourages friends globe trotting.
As far as spending Obama came out of the gate spending wildly. The parties after the election were more than $24 million if I recall, compared to $4 million with Bush.

"What I also find hysterical, is that there are people who swear bush was PRO war, when in reality no one is FOR war, he did it to his judgment for the attacks of 9-11."

You are kidding, right?

The guys in the planes were Saudis… So in retaliation, Mr Bush attacked Iraq. And that makes sense to you?

It is like the Bloods kill a police officer, so the police raid the Mafia.

You do realize that it was all a big sham, right? Cowboy President, cutting brush, driving pick-ups.. ye-Ha.

How many times has he been to the ranch since he is out of office?


NO you are right it wasn't Bill Clinton…Bill just let him go a couple of times because the World Trade Center first bombing and the US Embassy in 88, oh and the USS Cole attack weren't enough. "We just don't have enough on him". Oh and that was years of evidence, and all the intel collected under Clinton's regime that Bush had to sort through because Clinton didn't. Oh and that all the hijackers were here and training IN AMERICA under Clinton's watch. Dolt's like you drive me insane. Oh or the millions in national defense dollars taken away to give to welfare under Clinton. Oh I got a good one you mindless libs love to forget, NAFTA. Who signed that mindless thing that not only destroyed the economy but opened the borders even more for these people to come across? It was NOT Bush. Liberals are all the same screwing everything up and then handing their pile of crap to someone to fix, and then apalled that it wasn't fixed and something bad happened. Also, Bush was after terrorism as a whole because there was more than Bin Laden that was a threat. Or did you forget that Hussein was threatening us too? Or that the UN didn't trust him either? You can identify a lot of those people that Bush was after by being the ones that your boy Obama is kissing butt to now. Oh and let's just forget that ALL THE PLAYERS IN AFGHANISTAN AND THEIR PLANS WERE PUT IN PLACE BY BUSH!!!! And that they were there the entire time. You really got to read a different source than the Huffington Post and Thinkprogress, because nothing reliable has come from those dolts ever.

Almost all of Bush's were at his ranch which cost us nothing, and they were still "working vacations". Now as great as it is to get Oflopa out of the White House, he doesn't really work there or on vacation so it doesn't matter. However you are forgetting we also foot the bill for Mrs. Communist's vacations. Just the Hawaii vacation they took cost almost $1.5 million dollars. When was your last vacation? How much did you spend? Ever fly your dog on a separate plane with secret service before?

At Camp David, most of it is already sunk costs that are paid anyways. Of course I always loved it when the press had to follow him to Crawford, TX. There is NOTHING there and it is just NE of Ft Hood, and it is dry and dusty and HOT most of the year.

I swear, some folks just like to complain – the Obamas foot their own bill at Martha's Vineyard (though the taxpayers still pay for the First Family's Secret Service protection), whereas if they went to Camp David, We The People would be picking up the ENTIRE tab, Secret service and all.

Whinning about many vacation days POTUS has been on is petty and it makes people look stupid when they do it. I work on stat medical equipment for over 20 years and I'm NEVER really on vacation, so I can only imagine what it's like for the leader of the free world. And I really wish people would stop exaggerating the cost.

Bush was not the brightest, but he had what it took, and he defended this country to no avail…. you have that partially right.. the first part.. Hahaha..

Who was President on 09/11/01? I'll give you a hint.. it was NOT Bill Clinton.

BTW.. Mr. Bush spent 7 years in office NOT worrying about Mr. Bin Ladin.. in his own words..

‘I Really Just Don’t Spend That Much Time On Him’

The 15 million figure may be a bit high, but we do know for a FACT, he used 4 million US TAX PAYER dollars to enjoy some time in Hawaii… and thats just ONE vacation, lets not get into the HUNDREDS of THousands Michelle used to go to Spain.

Manny Sierra – $4 million dollars is also a false number propagated by Faux News. If you believe that then you probably also believe that Planned Parenthood is causing the deficit. Bush spent more time on vacation in his first year than the Obamas have had since his election. The deficit is no greater under Obama than it was under Bush except as warranted by the spending levels set by Bush's presidency as Obama took office. It's really pretty basic.

You people are all idiots. I am able to work from home, and that's exactly what Bush was doing. That accounts for over 270 of those days! People with jobs and brains understand this. Obama has secured the people on or just above poverty, while the working class of America suffers!

Ebony Barton … facts are facts, read them, its not fox, the Gov. releases updates on these things daily or weekly, go check them out… posted by Obama's appointees! not Glen Beck… but really they both say the same numbers… hard to believe isnt it'?

Tom Gualtieri maybe not 15 million, but a 4 million dollar Hawaii Vacation? hundreds of thousands of dollars to Spain? no wonder he's raised the deficit… you think HE paid for it?

I think its funny how people do seem to forget things…. Bush was not the brightest, but he had what it took, and he defended this country to no avail. Was he wrong with timing on the war, YES, but he went with what was given to him by the CIA and Naval Intelligence and BOTH Democrats and REPUBLICANS alike were in FAVOR of the war. But when defending their own parties couldn't bare to say they were. What I also find hysterical, is that there are people who swear bush was PRO war, when in reality no one is FOR war, he did it to his judgment for the attacks of 9-11. If Clinton was not such a coward, he would have taken Osama out, when he had him in near custody, yet, he chose to let him go, "not to cause a war".. but it fell on Bush's shoulders. Bush did duplicate the deficit, from about 4.8 to about 10.626TRILLION, but that was in 8 years, Obama in 3 is nearly at 5 trillion. so we are almost at 15.2 TRILLION. so where's the negative commentary now? People often talk from feelings, but the numbers don't lie…. Unemployment today is where it was 7 years ago. that's called digression. The Housing Market, while on the slight rise, is still at an all time LOW. Obamanites are complaining that Republicans aren't helping, they are fighting him, but did we all forget that his first couple years, Obama had a MAJORITY DEMOCRATIC backing? yet did very little, when he had access to do a lot. He mainly focused on a TRILLION plus dollar Healthcare system, when it is idle now. Pending a second term. IN reality, I was happy with Obama's ideas and promises when elected, but to our dismay he has proven himself very little and unprepared. He has created 2.6 Million Jobs, according to his statements, but where are they? Unemployment is increasing daily. He also, plans to EXTEND unemployment benefits, but if there are 2.6 NEW jobs, why extend it?
He bailed out companies with BILLIONS, some are prospering while others have declared bankruptcy. Yes, Bush pushed the bail out, but Obama enforced it when he had the ultimate power to VETO iit. There is NO money, he said he was against raising the debt ceiling, yet he did it anyway. where's the hope for change now? There are more Homeless on the streets now than ever before. The troops aren't out of war, maybe our of Iraq, but not home Like Obama promised… where are they now Libya? Its just too contradictory. Foreclosures are going to BREAK record highs. Economists are predicting a comparison to the Great Depression factoring where we are right now if these trends continue. Do I think Obama can do it, based on the past 3 years NO, Do I Think Romney can do it? Cant really say, Just saying NOW more than EVER, we NEED CHANGE… its not an opinion its a FACT. Not one of here can say we don't know anyone who has RECENTLY loss their jobs, or is losing their homes, its becoming somewhat of an epidemic. and the Cure for that is REAL change… I would have hoped for a Democratic opponent for Obama, but no one is strong enough right now. Don't Believe me on the numbers, visit the Bureau of Labor, Dept. of Treasury and Dept. of Agriculture pages and see the numbers posted and updated. The proof is there… Inform yourselves and educate yourselves, also, DON'T believe everything posted by friends and from a one sided parties website, do the leg work, if not we will all have nothing left to stand on. Make an educated vote this November.

Hes worthless i dont understand why anyone black would vote for him he make sure to tell people he didnt come from slavery his mother is white and father was from Africa he said his fathers people sold slaves they wernt slaves

Rudi Stevenson BUSH didn't need to go on vacation…BEING THAT HE GOT US INTO WAR– "UNNECESSARILY"– IN THE FIRST PLACE!! If we use the "logic" of folk, like yourself, (people that just seem to DISLIKE OBAMA–just to "DISLIKE" him) :" Obama should go on vacation " ONLY when the time is MORE appropriate." WHEN THE HECK WOULD THAT BE?! Your 'heroes', Bush and Reagan, put the country SO FAR in the hole, if Obama were to "wait for the RIGHT TIME" to go on vacation,he'd have to wait until the 2018!

We have a daughter in the military, she served in Iraq. President Bush, nor should anyone else be blamed for our country being in the, "CRAPPER", as long as we vote AH's into office, there will be homeless, hungry, wars ! p.s. I heard the Obama camp's Christmas cost the tax payer over, $4 million dollars.

The issue is NOT how many vacation days (paid by the tax payer), but the timing! Our economy is in the crapper, timing is everything! Tell the people homeless, hungry children, war veteran's & the unemployed it's OK for President Obama & company to go on a over million dollar vacation at this time!

Ez, I'm REALLY glad you posted this. I heard someone say this the other day and my head almost exploded! How quickly people forget that Bush was CONSTANTLY on vacation! Thanks for the video too. Next time I hear someone say that, I'm going to immediately post this.

Really so would we rather have a president that forgets about family and how truley important it is? I think not! We as a nation demand his attention and thoughts daily, I believe it's okay for his family to demand a few days.

exactly David just some more rightwing bullshit that has nothing to do with trying to help the country or putting americans back to work which the president has been trying to do without any help from the teaturds-gop asshats!!!

Okay right-wingers, GOP/Tea Party members, Cluster Fox viewers, and those of you who seem to be to damn lazy to bother looking up the facts for yourself and rely on political morons like Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, and pretty much anyone running for the Republican nomination (or defenders thereof) for an opinion… please come to realize that not only is this a lie about Obama, but is a non-issue to begin with and is only meant to keep you thinking about useless crap than real issues affecting us all!

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