
New Poll Finds – Americans Just Don’t Like Mitt Romney

You can fool some of the people some of the times (we will call these people Republicans), but you can’t fool all the people all the time, and that is the pickle Mitt Romney has found himself in, as a new poll is suggesting that his lies to get elected are not working with the average American. Americans are seeing right through the lies of the Mittens.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds Mitt Romney is laboring under the lowest personal popularity ratings for a presidential nominee in midsummer election-year polls back to 1984.

Just 40% of Americans overall view Romney favorably, 49% unfavorably – leaving him underwater, at least numerically, in 10 straight polls this year. A new high of 30% now see him “strongly” unfavorably, nearly double his strongly favorable score.

“Romney’s inability to gain on Obama since then may be a sign that his image has been damaged by summer stumbles, including new attention on his tax returns and an overseas trip that included several gaffes.”

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