
Democrats Target 27 Teaparty Republicans In Effort To Avert Sequester – Ad

Something big is getting ready to happen on March 1st. The Sequester is coming and Republicans are once again, sitting on their hands instead of doing whatever they can to protect the economy and the middle class. It’s the same old story – By doing nothing, the effects of the coming Sequester protects the rich, while the middle class suffers.

So in preparation for the big event, Democrats are coming together through the efforts of The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee – The DCCC – by creating an ad targeting 27 Teaparty Republicans who would love nothing more than seeing a suffering middle class after the Sequester kicks in.

The head of the DCCC, Steve Israel put it this way:

“There are real-world consequences for middle class families because of House Republicans’ dysfunction and chronic chaos. For the defense workers who may get pink slips, the federal law enforcement officers who may be furloughed, and the FBI agents and the food inspectors who are looking at layoffs, they will be reminded that those pink slips have been brought to hardworking Americans by this Tea Party Republican Congress.

It is time for House Republicans to come back to work to avert this crisis, stop protecting tax breaks for special interests and corporations — and stand up for the middle class.”

The Republican leaders in the House of Representative and their members have been on vacation for the past couple weeks. There is absolutely no urgency on their part to get back to work.

Meanwhile, March 1 is just a few days away.

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