
Teaparty Throws Retirement Party for John Boehner

I didn’t know the Republican House Speaker was retiring, and I’m sure he didn’t know he was either. In fact, it was just a month ago when Boehner said he was running again to be House Speaker.

But the Teaparty has other plans where Boehner’s reelection is concerned and their plans include J.D Winteregg – I couldn’t make up that name up if I tried.

J.D Winteregg is running on the Teaparty ticket to unseat Boehner and he is anticipating a win. So confident he is, that he has taken the opportunity to throw Boehner a retirement party, and invited “1,000 of John Boehner’s closes friends and D.C. political reporters.”

According to AATTP, J.D. Winteregg represents the worst nightmare of Republicans in Congress.  If any Republican tries to make a deal with a Democrat, their seats will be threatened by a primary challenge.

The Tea Party Leadership Fund Political Action Committee has already spent over $300,000 supporting Winteregg over Boehner.

In a political ad that was released earlier this month, Winteregg accused Boehner of having “electile dysfunction,” and had many immature “jokes” that made a play on Boehner’s last name.  The ad played as if it were a Cialis or Viagra commercial, and targeted Boehner for working with President Obama.

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