Barack Obama Politics

Rafael Cruz Warns – Obama will Destroy America in 30 Years with Supreme Court Nomination

Exactly. Just as the President has gone door to door to suppress our Second Amendment Rights and confiscate our guns, and the way he has used Obamacare to destroy America’s economic system, and the way Mr. Obama has created death panels to decide who gets healthcare and who dies in the waiting room. Remember all those Republican claims about Obama? Well now the president is apparently going to use his Supreme Court nominee to destroy America… in as little as 30 years!

That was the warning from Rafael Cruz, father of the presidential candidate known for telling lies, the candidate who is often called out by Donald Trump and Marco Rubio as the biggest liar in politics – Ted Cruz. Rafael was interviewed by Pat Robertson and felt the need to issue the warning about Obama to the American people.

Speaking about the death of Justice Scalia and the coming nomination by President Obama, Rafael said, “This could tilt the balance of the court and could be something that would affect America for the next 30 years. We don’t have 30 years.”



Ted Cruz’s Daddy – “Kiss this country goodbye” if Hillary Clinton is Elected – Video

Ted Cruz is the same Republican who organized the last shutdown of the American government, a move that cost this country $24 billion according to Standard & Poor’s. Standard and Poor’s also said the shutdown equaled $1.5 billion a day for the 16 days shutdown the doors to some government agencies stayed shut. If the shutdown had continued, as Ted Cruz clearly wanted it to, America would be no more.

Cruz’s daddy – who had no criticism about his son’s government shutdown – is now all of a sudden saying “you might as well kiss this country goodbye” if Hillary Clinton is elected in 2016. Again, this man had nothing do say when his son cost this country $24 billion!

Speaking to a Teaparty group in Georgia, Rafael Cruz said,“If we did it then, you bet we can do it again. And let me tell you, if we have someone like Hillary Clinton elected in 2016, you might as well kiss this country goodbye, this country’s gone. We are fighting for the survival of America.”

Again, this man had nothing to say about the destruction of America when his son shut down the government and cost the nation $24 billion in 16 days!



The Ted Cruz Didn’t Fall Far From The Tree – Daddy Cruz Is Crazy Too – Video

Ted Cruz’s daddy, Rafael Cruz, was selected to give the keynote address at the Adams County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner. And Rafael didn’t disappoint. Those in attendance heard the usual talking points including their fact that President Obama is a Muslim.

Here’s the transcript of some of Cruz’s speech.

RAFAEL CRUZ: So Barack Obama said: If the winds shift, I will side with the Muslims.

IN CROWD: He is Muslim!

CRUZ: [Exclamation] McCain couldn’t say that, because it’s not politically correct. It is time to stop being politically correct! [Pols emphasis]

CRUZ: Our lives? Well, look at what’s happening with our lives. From the cradle, 55 million babies have been murdered by abortion since 1973. At the other end, Obamacare, with denying care to the elderly, with care being rationed, with care being postponed for 12 to 18 months, with care being controlled by a group of bureaucrats, that on the basis of cost/benefit, will decide whether you get a medical procedure or not, they’re destroying our end of life. As a matter of fact, one of the things in Obamacare is that the elderly, every five years you must have end-of-life counseling. Translation: suicide counseling! [Pols emphasis]

CRUZ: I know I am in a Republican Party meeting. If you want to throw tomatoes at me, throw tomatoes at me. But unfortunately, you cannot say that the Republican Party is without blame. We have too many RiNOs in the Republican Party!

CRUZ: They have their minds made up, and basically their idea is this: you’re too stupid and I know what I’m doing. Well I’ll tell you what, we the people are not stupid. We the people ought to be smart enough to throw them out of office, or primary them, and put constitutional conservatives in their place!

We are still trying to determine if Cruz returned to the asylum after the speech was completed.

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