Chelsea Clinton Featured News

Right Wing News – Fox News Concludes, Chelsea Clinton’s Baby Is For Politics

This is the news the far right-wing nuts are interested in and it is why they diligently tune into Fox. Where else would you hear stuff like Chelsea Clinton’s pregnancy is a political ploy for the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign?

On Sunday, Fox talking head Laura Ashburn, speaking to Fox’s Howard Kurtz, explained that being cynical about Chelsea’s pregnancy is a good thing because… Hillary!

“You’ve been in this town for how many years, and you don’t have a cynical bone in your body?” Ashburn said to Kurtz. “I think a lot of reporters think maybe this was planned.”

She later continued;

“We do have to realize that this is Hillary Clinton, she’s most likely running for president. It hasn’t been good for her. A lot of people say she’s too old. And so, there is coverage.”

Roll the video tape please.

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