Condoleezza Rice Politics

Condoleezza Rice Warns GOP – Be More Inclusive to Women and People of Color

Words if wisdom coming from the woman who is probably the last black woman left in the Republican party.

Secretary Rice recently urged the GOP to be more inclusive and inviting to women and people of color.  The GOP is facing a demographic shift that will allow them to compete gerrymandered House districts but that will make them obsolete in the long run as a national party.

On the issue of immigration, Secretary Rice said, “We have a responsibility to those who do not yet have the liberties and the rights that we enjoy..We cannot abandon them … We were once them.”

According to census data by 2020, deep red states like Texas could finally turn blue, thanks to an emerging majority of Latino voters.  Simply put, the math doesn’t do the GOP any favors.

In 2012, 71 percent of Latinos voted for President Obama.  According to Pew, the Latino vote helped Democrats win in three critical battleground states: Florida, Nevada, and Colorado.  And while immigration continues to dominate the discussion surrounding Latinos currently, it’s the economy and jobs that topped the list of issues the community cared about most in the last presidential election cycle.

And despite the GOP paying lip service to communities of color about “reaching out” not much has changed since they got pummeled in 2012.  The Republican party does not have anything to offer and has stuck in an endless loop of faux investigations and symbolic Obamacare repeal votes.  Their lack of policy proposals that will help Latinos in any way shape or form, is partially to blame for their lack of support.  Their open hostility to diversity and occasional refusal to see Latino people as humans is also likely a major factor.

You’re wasting your time Ms Rice. The Republicans have already gerrymandered their districts to avoid reaching out to anyone who is not an old white and male. Women and people of color can just keep it moving. They are not a necessary part of the Republican equation.

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