Politics Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum – Lower Income Americans Should “Suffer”

So now it’s Rick Santorum’s turn to add his contribution to the list of Republican presidential candidates who just don’t give a crap about the unfortunate among us. Not to be left out of the Republican insanity, Santorum felt the need to add his two cents.

On Friday, Santorum attended a town hall meeting in Ottumwa Iowa, and complained that lower-income Americans receive too many government benefits. He calls this a bad thing and said that these Americans should just “suffer.”

 If you’re lower income, you get lots of things you can qualify for. In many states, you can qualify for Medicaid, you can qualify for food stamps, you can qualify for housing assistance…”

“Suffering is part of life and it’s not a bad thing, it is an essential thing in life.”

And these are supposed to be the best of the best in the Republican Party. WOW!

p.s. – Whatever you do, don’t google “Santorum.” Don’t do it I tells ya!

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