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Congressman on Trump – “Lock Him Up!”

It was a chant reserved for Hillary Clinton. They sang it from the rafters of the Republican convention as speaker after speaker incited the crowds with the prospects of putting Hillary Clinton in jail when Donald Trump became president. “Lock her up! Lock her up,” they chanted, fists pumping in the air as they visualized the handcuffs clamping down on Hillary’s wrists.

The chants worked. Their man won. But since he assumed the office of the presidency on January 20th, Donald Trump and his minions in the White House have been the ones plagued by investigations and accusations of wrong doing. Their man, Donald Trump, is now the one doing all he can to avoid being impeached and thrown out of office.

After Trump fired James Comey, the FBI Director who was in the middle of investigating possible crimes against him and his 2016 campaign, Americans from sea to shining sea dubbed the firing ‘an obstruction of justice’ and demands for a special investigator followed. And with those demands, chants of “lock him up!”

Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York chanted it on Twitter!

My oh my how times have changed.

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