
How to Make a Republican Stop Talking About Obamacare? John Fugelsang Demonstrates

Now, I cannot promise that following Fugelsang’s example would stop the Republican from talking about Obamacare for ever, but at least it will shut them up for a little while.

John Fugelsang joined Republican fast talker Heidi Harris on the Ed Schultz Show to discussed the fantastic numbers who signed up for healthcare through Obamacare. After hearing “Mrs Harris” spit out the usual talking points as proof that the 7.1 million signups were fake, it was Fugelsang’s turn and needless to say, the facts from Fugelsang outweighed the talking points from Miss Harris.

“The interesting thing here about this is that this is a Republican designed healthcare plan by the Heritage Foundation,” Fugelsang said. “Implemented by a Republican Massachusetts governor, upheld by a Republican Supreme Court. And these guys need it to fail before it can start helping save Republican lives. If the GOP had been behind healthcare reform, if they cared enough, if they valued saving lives over here over blowing up people over there, we might not see this happen. We might see a real public option, real reform, instead of this moderate messy improvement that Obamacare is. I often wish that the GOP had been this concerned about fact checking back in the WMD days. Millions of Americans are now insured.

“Tune into Hannity to see why this is bad.”

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