
Obama Great For The Economy – 48 Months of Job Growth

We hear a lot about this fictional liberal land under President Obama, where job creation was killed by Obamacare and liberal ideas have destroyed the country. Reality, of course, is quite different. In fact, reality is almost the exact opposite. For Bush’s entire 8 years, job growth was just 1.1 million. Yet under Obama, the private sector has had 48 straight months of job growth, with businesses adding 8.7 million jobs.

Today’s job numbers are a good example of the disconnect. “Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 175,000 in February, and the unemployment rate, at 6.7 percent, changed little,” per Erica L. Groshen, the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Jason Furman, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, put these numbers in perspective in a statement in which he explained that February was the 48th straight month of private sector job growth, “February 2014 was the 48th straight month of private-sector job growth, with businesses adding 8.7 million jobs over that time.”

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Another Republican Lie Debunked – Obamacare Creating More Full time Employment

Obamacare has not yet turned America into a nation of part-time workers, as many of its strongest critics have long said it would.

In fact, the opposite seems to be happening, according to new government numbers published Friday: The number of part-time jobs is actually shrinking, and full-time jobs are being created instead.

Specifically, the number of part-time workers in the U.S. fell in February to about 27.3 million, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday. That number is down by about 300,000 since March 2010, when the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, became law.

Meanwhile, the ranks of full-time workers have grown by more than 2 million within the past year to 117.8 million in February. The number of part-time workers fell by about 230,000 over that period.

Republicans argue that Obamacare’s decree that businesses must give full-time workers health-care coverage will cause a bunch of jobs to switch from full-time to part-time. And a handful of employers have actually cut worker hours because of Obamacare.

But the majority of those cutting hours are in the struggling public sector — state and local governments. In the private sector, the chief financial officers of 500 companies recently said that Obamacare will have a limited impact on their hiring decisions.

Politics United States

Can President Obama Really Create Jobs?

The simple answer is, of course he can’t. And that is because we operate under a system that is governed, for the most part, by the United States Constitution.

There are specific Constitutional duties set forth for the President of the United States. Included in these duties however, are specific restrictions. According to the constitution, the President – although his office is one branch of government and is considered one of the most powerful positions in the world – cannot make legislation. Introducing bills or legislations that could eventually become law, rest solely in the hands of Congress. And more specific, any bill or legislation that has to do with finance or revenue, must begin in the House of Representatives. This too is laid out in Article 1, section 7of the Constitution, that states – All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

So what’s a president to do when government is divided, when he and his party controls the Senate and the opposing party controls the House of Representatives? What can the President do when the unemployment rate hovers around 9.1%, representing over 14 million people looking for work? What can he do when the arm of government responsible for revenue – in this case, the Republican controlled House of Representatives – refuses to do their job and is content to just watching the economy go down the toilet?

What’s a president to do? Exactly what President Obama has done.

Realizing his constitutional limits, he proposes jobs solutions and negotiates with the enemy in hopes that they will work with him in good faith to get people back to work and get the economy and country moving in the right direction again.

This President have been criticized on many occasions by members of his own party for negotiating with the enemy. They question the President’s ability to “get things done” or “fix the economy.” We have all seen the weekly, sometimes daily polls asking participants if the country is moving in the right direction, and the pundits all wonder aloud whether the President can right what is wrong, “fix the economy,” and reduce unemployment before the next election.

These questions of course, all deal with revenue, and the President’s hands are tied by a sacred document called the Constitution. His duties are specific, his restrictions are precise. And with a Republican party determined to hold the American worker hostage, we can just be thankful that the general unemployment numbers are at only 9.1%

It is time that the pundits and the American people realize what is happening. There is a Republican agenda at play here, and it is to make sure this economy fails, to bring down the middle class, and thus, to bring down this presidency.

We must realize who the responsible party is, and we must draw a clear distinction between them and the irresponsible Republicans in Congress.

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John Boehner Says No To Job Creation Plan

The nation is suffering. People are in desperate need of work. With an unemployment figures now standing at 9.2%, every concerned party is trying to come up with a plan to put Americans back to work. President Obama has said he will present his plan when Congress returns to work in September, and other Democrats are trying to come up with solutions as well.

One plan being floated around by John Larson, a Democratic Representative from Connecticut, would include jobs creation as part of the duties of the newly formed Super Committee. Larson’s plan would demand the Super Committee, in addition to their main task of coming up with $1.5 trillion in savings, come with a plan to create jobs and lower the unemployment to 5.5% by 2014.

Seems like a great plan. Instead of passing bills through the regular congress and having those bills die in the Republican controlled House of Representatives, Larson’s plan will leave job creation up to the Super Congress, knowing that if this body fails, then the same “triggers” will be activated – cutting from both the military and entitlement programs, as well as revenue increases. This trigger will hurt both Democrats and Republicans, thus a true effort to compromise will be made.

But John Boehner is already pulling the breaks on this plan. Ezra Klein posed the question to Boehner’s office on Friday and filed this report;

 I ran Larson’s proposal by House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) office on Friday afternoon, and it was immediately shot down. The response: Deficit reduction will spur job creation and, therefore, the super committee does not need to take on an additional mission.

“As every economist and every rating agency has made clear, getting our deficit under control is the first step to help get our economy growing again and to create jobs,” said Michael Steel, spokesman for Boehner. “Without knowing the specifics of this proposal, my concern would be this is some sort of new window-dressing for the same tired old, discredited Washington stimulus spending proposals.”

But this reaction is obvious – If Americans work, Republicans lose. So Republican’s job now is to make sure America stays unemployed. That way, they hope to win in the next election.

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