dead Nelson Mandela Politics

George H.W Bush Issued Statement Announcing The Death of Nelson Mandela

Of course, Nelson Mandela is alive. He was in fact, discharged from the hospital today. Bush however, got the wrong information and quickly issued this statement.

The former president’s statement read:

“Barbara and I mourn the passing of one of the greatest believers in freedom we have had the privilege to know. As President, I watched in wonder as Nelson Mandela had the remarkable capacity to forgive his jailers following 26 years of wrongful imprisonment — setting a powerful example of redemption and grace for us all. He was a man of tremendous moral courage, who changed the course of history in his country. Barbara and I had great respect for President Mandela, and send our condolences to his family and countrymen.”

Moments after the statement was sent, the culprit – Bush’s  spokesman Jim McGrath – tweeted that he was responsible for Bush getting the wrong information.

Of course, by that time it was already too late. South Africa’s government rejected the statement, according to BNO news, who tweeted this:


Just another embarrassing moment for the Bushes.

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