Food And Recipes Health

Get Perfect Skin With These Eight Foods

Skin is such an integral part to beauty and women have been searching for ways to make it perfect since the beginning of time. There are facials and creams and treatments all geared towards giving us glistening youthful skin, but we don’t realize that we can spend just a few minutes in our refrigerator to find just what we need.

Here are eight foods to help you achieve it.

1. Avocados

Though very rich, avocados can help to eliminate under eye circles and their rich supply of vitamin E promotes circulation.

2. Berries

If you are looking to turn back the hands of time, try eating some strawberries or blueberries. They help to prevent aging and give an added dose of protection for your skin.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli and other green vegetables keep your skin moisturized by helping your body to produce sebum, which lubricates your skin and hair.

4. Carrots

We always associate carrots with being great for our eyesight, but they also work wonders for the scalp.

5. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain loads of selenium which improves the skin’s elasticity and protects it from the harmful rays of the sun.

6. Oranges

Though the Vitamin C in oranges boosts our immune system, the vitamin A in the fruits help reduce inflammation of the skin and it keeps our pores clean.

7. Papaya

Though wonderful to eat, papayas also decrease the appearance of dark spots when placed on the skin.

8. Watermelon

Watermelons have loads of lycopene which help to keep the skin soft and smooth.


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