
Republican Congressman Encouraged Woman Who Called For Obama’s Execution

Of course things like this surprises no one. Congressional Republicans and other elected officials have just about said these same things, only not in so much words. So hearing a Congressman encouraging a woman calling for the president’s execution, is sadly not surprising.

U.S. Congressman Jim Bridenstone (R-OK) attended a luncheon hosted by the Tea Party sub-group Tulsa 9:12 Project last week to discuss the issues of the day with his constituency. One of the people in the crowd said “Obama is not President as far as I am concerned. He should be executed as an enemy combatant really” the congressman’s response was not to immediately shoot down the stupidity and treason expressed.

Instead, Bridenstone fed into the woman’s moronic fears, based on lies and a lack of understanding if what an Executive Order is. Bridenstone laughed and said “Don’t hold back, Emma.” The woman then went on to ask the congressman about “the Muslims that he is shipping into our country through pilots and commercial jets.” Bridenstone’s lack of denial about such nonsense is telling regarding just how far he will go to gain the support of people wishing for the death of the standing President of The United States.


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