News ObamaCare Politics

Glenn Beck Is Mad – Cannot Understand Why Anyone Would Want Obamacare – Video

Glenn Beck is mad. Mad I tells ya! He simply cannot understand why any American would fall for the lies Obama is selling them. Lies like, having affordable healthcare is a good thing. Why would anyone in their right minds want healthcare?

Glenn Beck is livid.

We’ve never had this before. This guy, you put him in a military uniform, I’m not kidding you, you put him on a balcony in a military uniform, this guy is a full-fledged dictator. There has never been any president who has ever done anything like this.

This is complete bogus. This is complete bogus fairytale. This is completely made up. This is nonsensical. The emperor has no clothes and everyone in the press, you “rat bastards.” Every single one of you. No, what he’s saying isn’t true. You know it. You know it.

He’s a sociopath! He’s sociopathic!


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