Healthcare ObamaCare Politics

Obamacare Could Hit 7 Million Sign-Ups Today

With Republicans still maintaining that Obamacare is doomed to fail, Forbes magazine reports that enrollment may actually hit 7 million before the day ends.

While not saying that enrollment will definitely reach that mark before the deadline, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which is the agency that oversees the roll out, seem pretty optimistic. They said on Sunday that with brisk traffic on the website and call center, along with the surge in applications in the past few weeks, the projection seems promising.

In an update issued Sunday afternoon, the agency said that the website had been holding up well to the heavy traffic, handling 8.7 million visits in the last week.

“The site continues to perform well under the largest sustained period of volume to date with average response times less than 400 milliseconds and an error rate of 0.5%,” the report said.

In spite of the rocky beginnings for the website, which proved to be far from ready when it was launched on October 1st of last year, it now appears that the original projection of 7 million sign ups may be reached.  A recent report by the CBO found that there is already a sufficient number of enrollees to make the system an actuarial viability.

Healthcare News ObamaCare Politics

Paying Their Own Way – 4 Million Already Signed up for Obamacare

Why are Republicans against people taking their health decisions into their own hands? Why are they so against Americans paying their own way? Why do they insist on taking away our health care and replacing it with nothing?

Besides them just being evil, who knows?

Meanwhile, Americans are enjoying the benefits of living more health conscious lives, now that they’re finally able to afford healthcare.

Some 700,000 people have enrolled in Obamacare so far in February, raising total enrollment to roughly 4 million with a little more than a month to go before the sign-up deadline expires to get insurance this year.

The new figures for state and federal exchanges released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services on Tuesday illustrate participation in the sweeping initiative continues to grow steadily, a point raised by President Barack Obama at a White House event later in the day.

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