
The Food Mystery Revealed

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Food And Recipes

3 Great Homemade Energy Drinks

When it comes to foods, homemade is always best. Whether you know your way around the kitchen or not, trying anything at home is the way to go. Always! That’s why these three homemade energy drinks caught my attention. Now I must admit, I haven’t tried them yet, but I will… soon!

The Fire Hydrant (left) – 3-4 8oz glasses throughout the day

filtered water
1 slice lemon
1 pinch cayenne pepper

Other than getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night, staying hydrated is the most important thing you can do to help keep your body functioning at optimum levels. So this drink is just water with a squeezed lemon slice and a pinch of cayenne pepper. The lemon not only tastes good, but is also super alkaline* which helps your body maintain a healthy pH level. The cayenne pepper helps raise energy levels naturally and provides protection for your heart by helping to maintain proper cardiovascular movement throughout the body. Combining this with 4-5 glasses of regular water will bring you up to your recommended 8 glasses of water per day!

*For an explanation of lemons’ miraculous transition from acidic outside of the body, to alkaline once ingested, visit this link:

The Quick Fix (center) – as needed, during the day
(I don’t recommend drinking it at night as it might keep you up)

hot water
1 1/2 – 2 tsp honey (to taste)
1 inch of fresh ginger root
1/4 tsp ground cardamom
1/4 tsp tumeric

Cut off two thin slices of ginger and place in your cup or mug.
Use a garlic press to juice the remaining ginger into your mug.
Add both spices and fill your mug with hot water and stir.

This is the closest thing I found to a non-caffeine/refined sugar pick me up! And I find it pretty delicious. Ginger speeds up metabolism and increases circulation. It also aids in the digestive process which can help stave off the post lunch coma that contributes to the afternoon slump. Turmeric, a cousin of ginger, also helps speed things up in the body, including energy levels! And Cardamom has long been valued medicinally for its ability to increase circulation and improve energy. Honey is mother nature’s equivalent of an energy shot and is one of the best kinds of sugars for your body.

The Heavy Lifter (right) – 1 glass in the morning

1 ripe banana
1/4 cup raw almonds or 2 tbsp almond butter
1 scoop of high quality whey protein powder (low sugar content)
2 washed kale leaves
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1 tbsp ground flax seeds
1 cup milk of choice (I used unsweetened almond milk)

According to Dr. Oz, sixty percent of women don’t get enough protein in their diets and that is often the number one reason for fatigue! ( A morning protein shake is a really easy and delicious way to make sure that you’re starting the day off well fueled. Pair this with a piece of whole grain toast and you have everything you need to give you a solid energy foundation for the day.

The next steps are energy booster tips that I find, when done along with the drinks, help me keep on keeping on all day long!

Food And Recipes

The Unhealthiest Drinks at Starbucks

Starbucks: there’s something hypnotically reassuring about the place — from the placidly smiling mermaid on the logo to the cute barista who has your order ready by the time you get to the front of the line. But while the coffeehouse chain is famous for its laid-back vibe, you may not feel as relaxed once you learn these unnerving details about the nutritional content of some Starbucks favorites.

We combed through the worst offenders on the menu and rounded up the top least healthful drinks you can order from Starbucks. While some of these beverages contain enough sugar to induce a diabetic coma in a Shetland pony, others made our naughty list for more surprising reasons — like magnificent levels of cholesterol.

While we didn’t rank items on the super popular, not-so-underground secret menu, it should come as no surprise that drinks like the Cinnamon Bun Hot Chocolate, Caramel Snickerdoodle Macchiato, and Hot Butterbeer Latte — all available at any Starbucks location with a wink and a nod to your favorite barista — are all chart-toppingly caloric and blended with half a dozen super sugary syrups.

So how do you know what’s safe to order? There are a few easy ways to avoid sipping enough calories to please a hummingbird on a sugar bender: for starters, steer clear of items that leap out as especially decadent. If the term “Caramel Brûlée” is in the name, you know you’re not doing your waistline any favors. If you sometimes indulge in these little luxuries, however, you may not be prepared for exactly how badly they stack up nutritionally when we compare them to a Snickers bar — or even a bacon cheeseburger!

Worse still, some of the most innocent-seeming beverages were actually crammed with truly astonishing levels of carbs. Prepare for some troubling surprises: one of our biggest offenders, known as an antioxidant booster, seems like an especially healthful choice — until you look a little closer. Take a look at our slideshow to find out some surprising details that might make you reconsider your next drink order.

We based all of our comparisons on the venti size with whole milk, unless otherwise specified.

1. Peppermint Mocha

Is this the best way to accomplish your New Year’s resolutions? If your gym membership lapsed months ago, skip this dessert masquerading as caffeine: while high in Vitamin A, calcium, and iron, this sweet treat contains the same amount of saturated fat as a large serving of foie gras.

2. Chai Tea Latte

Brace yourself: while the Chai Tea Latte may sound healthful, it packs 340 calories — that’s more than a Taco Bell Beef Gordita Supreme — and although it is the least sweet option of all the items we’re reviewing, it still contains as much sugar as two melted Snickers bars.

3. Caramel Flan Latte

To burn the calories you intake drinking one of these bad boys, you would need to spend an hour and fifteen minutes biking. This drink is the carbohydrate equivalent of 6 ½ slices of wheat bread.

4. Caramel Brulee Latte

A cup of coffee is like the Caramel Brulee Latte the same way my apartment is like the palace of Versailles. This prime example of end-of-the-empire decadence jams 580 calories, twenty grams of fat, and eighty-five grams of carbs into its scant twenty ounces.

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