Politics voter suppression

GOP Official Brags – Voter ID Will “kick Democrats in the butt,” and “Hurt Lazy Blacks”

Don Yelton

Another story in the Republicans fight to take away your voting rights. And this time, the truth about their real reason for implementing voter ID and other voting restrictions is once again told.

In an interview on Comedy Central,  North Carolina Republican official Don Yelton said that the changes Republicans are making would have the intended effect of taking votes away from Democrats. To quote Mr Yelton, voter ID laws “is going to kick the Democrats in the butt.”

In the interview, which aired Wednesday night, Yelton tells Daily Show correspondent Aasif Mandvi that the new voting law, which mandates voter identifications, the curtailing of early voting operations and does not allow college students to vote using their school ID, “is going to kick the Democrats in the butt.”

He also dismisses concerns that the law will particularly affect communities of color by saying, “If it hurts a bunch of lazy Blacks that want the government to give them everything, so be it.”

Don was fired from his job after making his statements in the interview, but he is saying that if he had to do it all over again, he wouldn’t change a thing.

It’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks. It’s also apparently hard to teach an old racist to be tolerant.

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