
Limbaugh – Obama Bombing Iraq to Distract from Policy Disasters

Back when bush invaded iraq on false pretense and with false information, no one on the right questioned his motives. Bush was right they thought, and the conservative and Republican media did all they could to push the weapons of mass destruction lie as a valid reason to invade.

President Obama, then a Senator from Illinois, objected to the invasion and referred to it as Bush’s distraction from a disastrous economy.

Well now that there is a legitimate threat to Iraq’s security called ISIS, President Obama has ordered targeted air strikes to selected targets and the same Republicans and conservatives who pushed Bush’s false narrative, are now questioning Obama’s reasoning, saying that Obama is bombing Iraq to cover up what they call, a failed economy.

This was Rush Limbaugh’s theory:

“He didn’t vote for it,” Rush said of Obama. “He made a speech before it even happened condemning it, that Bush was just dredging it up as a distraction. He makes a speech at the Democrat convention in 2004, called it a dumb war, continued with that theme, and now look where we are.  Would it be too cynical to suggest that Obama might be bombing Iraq to distract us from his numerous problems?  I mean, we’ve got an immigration disaster taking place.  Our economy is a disaster.  Obamacare is a disaster.”


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