Barack Obama Christian Featured Politics

Republican Congressman Upset that Obama Quotes the Bible – Audio

President Obama is a Christian. He has said this on many occasions and his past venues of worship suggest his Christian belief. So the president quoting and relying on verses from the Bible should come as no surprise to anyone. But Republican Rep. Dave Brat, cannot believe the president has the nerve to quote the Bible.

The president, Brat said, “is using the Christian tradition and trying to bring about compassion by bonking Republicans over the head with the Bible. It’s almost a comedy routine on what compassion and love is. He’s mocking his enemies in order to compel a larger federal state using the tradition of love.”

He said that the conservative movement “needs to reeducate its people that we own the entire tradition” of Christian love, because liberal professors “have rejected natural law” and religious ideas.



GOP Lies – Dave Brat Said He Went To Princeton, He Did Not Go To Princeton

Dave Brat

This little missed piece of nugget came after the Washington Post contacted the school asking for information on The Brat. The response from the school was a tad bit shocking!

“We have no record under that name.” said the University spokesman, Martin Mbugua.

As it turns out, he did obtain his masters in divinity in Princeton, which is a well respected theological institution but not the prestigious Ivy League school that Princeton University is recognized as.

Mbugua says that occasionally people “make an association between the institutions here in Princeton — an incorrect association.” Although the two institutions are located in the same town there is no connection between the two.

The WaPo has sent an e-mail to Brat’s campaign requesting a comment on the discrepancy, but has not yet received a reply.

Interestingly, Brat appeared on Mark Levin’s radio show and accused Cantor of making false statements about him during his primary campaign. Levin was one of the-far right talk radio personalities who supported Brat, saying that most of the party “sound alike, they look alike almost” and that the rank and file wanted a “Constitutional conservative in the leadership, not just the next guy in line.”


Watch Eric Cantor’s Concession Speech, In All Its Glory

I can watch this over, and over, and over… you get the point!

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